Prologue pt. 1

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Bob  POV

In high school I was never popular. Kids always teased me and I hated it. But painting was my escape from my horrible life. I never showed anyone my art. I was scared that someone would judge me. Until one day I finally showed someone. I didn't know what I was thinking I just couldn't keep it hidden anymore. I met him at a college party........

I was standing near the corner of the room. It reeked of alcohol and weed. In front of me were a bunch of drunk sweaty college kids grinding on one another. This wasn't my scene but my friend Liz decided to bring me here. She said I needed to get out more.

Liz is my best friend. I bumped into her during freshman orientation. She's studying the arts like me but for singing and instruments. She plays the flute. And she's really really good. We hit it off so fast. But even she hasn't seen my art. Not the art that I have to do for class. But THE art. The art that I paint when I'm overwhelmed or scared. When I'm depressed or angry. That one has seen.




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