I shrugged.

" Okay, so you don't want pancakes," I said.

Their eyes widened in horror and they reminded me of young children.

" But we want pancakes," one of the boys whined and I noticed that he looked a lot like Ryan.

" Well then, I want to know where your alpha is," I said sternly, as though I were talking to Trevor.

They looked at each other and nodded.

" Fine, he's in his office but he said for nobody to interrupt him," Ryan said, and I smirked.

This was just too easy.

" Very good, now I will make you five pancakes each," I stated as I started mixing ingredients together.

This sparked loud protests from them.

It took about 5 seconds for me to get REALLY annoyed.

They were supposed to be the fiercest pack in the world and they were whining like kids.

" EVERYONE SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! IF YOU AREN'T HAPPY WITH FIVE PANCAKES THEN LEAVE AND YOU WON'T GET ANY," I threatened and they all shot into seats and were quiet.

" That's what I thought," I muttered as I began pouring the batter onto the griddle.

" I have never seen them all be this quiet at once," Alisha whispered from beside me and I smiled.

I liked being in charge.

One of the boys whispered something to another and I threw my spoon at him.

This caused the other boys to start laughing but they were quickly quiet when I shot them a death glare.

It may seem like I have anger issues but you try and get kidnapped and see if you're not on pins and needles.

They sat in complete silence after that and I just worked at cooking pancakes.

" How many do you want?" I asked Alisha when I was almost done.

" Oh, um, three is fine," she said.

" Kay," I responded," can you hand out plates,"

She nodded and gave a plate to each of the boys then kept two for us.

It took me a while but I finished the 36 pancakes pretty quickly.

First, I gave Alisha three pancakes for myself then took three myself.

Then I walked over to the table and gave each of the guys their pancakes.

" Oh, and by the way you're picking up," I said a few moments later.

That was again sparked loud protests.

This time I stuck two fingers in my mouth and blew.

My shrill whistle quieted them instantly.

" Thank you, now here are the rules. I get the supplies out and cook the food then you will clean it up," I said," and that is how it will continue in the future if you want me to cook for you because something tells me that I'm not leaving for a while," I said the last part angrily.

They all chorused in agreement.

" Good," I said as I picked up my three pancakes and went off to find Carter's office.

By the time I navigated my throughout the house and to the office, I had one pancake left.

I knocked loudly on the door.

Arrogant Alpha, My Mate(AAMM)Where stories live. Discover now