{8} Keep her own damn secrets

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When an old man with no hair had a grudge against you, it was bound to leave a scar. Well, Odette had suffered the same fate on Halloween of '81, when both her parents were brutally murdered and she would have suffered the same fate if love did not conquer all. The scar she had achieved on that horrible night full of terror and agony had chosen its mark on the top right side of her forehead. It had imprinted itself there after Voldemort had assumed her for dead and had chosen to go after Harry. What he had not noticed however was that his power had transferred most of itself to the children, and had left him as a barely living creature. Not too shortly after Sirius Black had barged into her house and cried his eyes out, holding the two of them tight in his arms. Once he'd left, deciding that them being left in Dumbledore's care was for the better, Severus Snape had chosen to visit their house.
Odette remembered slight snippets of the man crying over Lily's body, holding and shaking her as if she'd wake. 

She remembered the story every time she applied make up over her scar, staring at it until it started to burn. She designed her curtain shaped bangs in a way that they'd fall perfectly over the scar if the concealer would somehow be wiped off. 
"Detta!" Angelina called from the bathroom. "Would you mind bringing me a towel? I seem to have forgotten mine."
She rose to her feet, walking over to her and Angelina's corner of the room, designed intricately with red and gold Quidditch posters, and a ton of photos of a young actor called Johnny Depp. She kissed each photo of his before opening their towel drawer, and bewitching it so it flew to Angelina in a heartbeat.
"I think his lips are sore from all that kissing." The girl smiled as she walked out of the bathroom, drying her hair.
"How I wish those lips belonged to me."
"Maybe you could bewitch George to look like him."
"George is perfect as he is."
"Perfect, huh?" Angelina dodged the pillow that was thrown her way.
"You act as if you're not infatuated with Fred."
"You act as if you're not infatuated with George!"
"I am not!"

"Then explain why everyone else thinks you are." Angelina dried her hair with a flick of her wand.
"Because people can't seem to grasp that a young boy and girl such as George and I can be just friends!" Odette sighed, fixing the strand of hair that had fallen out of order. Angelina only laughed at her remark, dismissing the conversation. Odette had meant what she said. She had practically known the Weasleys her whole life, considering her life started when she'd first set foot in platform 9 and 3/4. 
She went in the bathroom to fix up the blending over her scar and came back out around five minutes later.
"Took you long enough." Alicia sighed.
"She was daydreaming about Ceddy Weddy." Angelina smirked, though it wasn't her usual type of smirk. It wasn't the smirk that bloomed on her face every time she teased about George.
"New nickname?" Odette asked, brushing through her hair one more time. Alicia nodded her confirmation.

Three consecutive knocks and a loud thud later, George waltzed in their dorm. He then helped a fallen Cassie down and paid her the ten sickles he owed. 
"Odette, get down here!" Cas shouted from downstairs.
Odette let George go first, knowing he was most likely to step on the stairs the moment she set foot on them, and cause her to slide down and most definitely hurt herself. He sat down and in a blink of an eye he was no longer at the top. Odette decided to not waste anytime and slid right after him, but regretted it when she fell too fast and hit him, causing them both to topple over each other and right on to the floor. George landed on top of her and quickly stoop up, apologizing.
"I believe I was summoned?" She finally righted herself and turned to Cas. 
"Hufflepuff is throwing a party." The boy smirked. "and Cedri-"
"Ceddy Weddy." Interrupted Lee.
"Cedric invited you." Said Caspian, not paying much attention to the other boy. "So, are you going?"
"I mean, probably."
"Probably?' Caspian raised a brow.
"Fine. I'll go."

The squad had gone to the Black Lake for a short swim, and Odette was sat under the shadow of a nearby tree, enjoying "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. Lee and Cas were talking about the party next to her while the twins swam around the lake. The girls were making flower crowns for each other, but Odette had refused to partake in the activity due to how interesting the book had gotten. Unfortunately for her, Lee had taken notice. He got up and snatched it from her hands and she angrily chased after him, hoping she would not lose the page number she'd left off on.
"Lee, give me back my book!" She shouted, gaining the twins' attention from the lake.
"You spend time with us now! You can read later!"
"But it just got interesting. Give it back!"
"No!" Lee shouted, accidentally tossing the book toward the water. Odette jumped in without a second thought, submerging under it while the book remained dry and safe in the hand she had fought to keep above water.
Once she got out, she noticed the confused look the twins were giving her. In the seconds she'd spent underwater, her make up had wiped off and the twins had gotten close.
"Detta?" Fred asked.
"What's that scar on your head?" So did George. She could not hide her look of surprise and embarrassment when she realized they'd seen what she'd tried hiding for so long. He slowly moved her hair out of the way. "It's shaped like Harry's."
"You'd think a girl could keep her own damn secrets." She laughed, telling them what had in fact transpired that night. 

After the mortifying conversation, the twins had understood and accompanied her to the Hufflepuff party. Cedric was waiting outside for them and she could have sworn she saw his expression turn sour when he saw who she was with. She was wearing a leather skirt and a short top, and her hair was braided on both sides. Her scar was once more covered up.
He led the trio into the common room, but pulled Odette away and to the dance floor. His hands slowly wrapped around her waist and hers around his neck. They moved to the slow rhythm, but Odette's eyes and mind were elsewhere. She glanced away for a moment and saw George kissing a Hufflepuff girl, two minutes into the party.
Caspian cut off her thoughts when he ran up to her and told her Harry was in the Hospital Wing because he had apparently killed their Defense against the dark arts teacher and somehow Voldemort at the same time.
She mumbled an apology to Cedric and looked at George once more, who was staring at Odette, even though the girl's lips were all over his. 
The moment the entered the room, she scolded Harry for not having called her.

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