{5} The time I saw them last

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When you shared a common room with Odette and the Weasley twins, you knew at some point you were going to be pranked. Well, for the unfortunate Gryffindor students of year 1991, this was their point. The twins had been skipping classes all day in order to prepare the most perfect prank ever. Odette, even though truly the mastermind, needed to keep her place as number one student in the whole year.
Sadly for the twins, they'd forgotten to tell her what she was to tell the Professors that they were doing. So, instead of using the thousands of great lies that had come and gone through her mind, Odette improvised with something ridiculous everytime she was asked where the twins had gone.
"Potter!" Snape said.
"Yes, Professor?" Odette looked up at him.
"Where are Fred and George Weasley?" He asked.
"Sorry sir, I haven't seen them since the last time I saw them." She shrugged.
"And when was that?"
"Last time I saw them? It was definetely the time I saw them last." She turned back to her potion.

And before Snape could jump out of his seat and claw at her face, the twins walked in, George stating why they were late. "Sorry we're late, I couldn't find my book."
"Detention for the three of you with Professor Quirrell." Snape said, and sneered when he added, "And fifteen points will be taken from Gryffindor."
"What, why me?" Odette's head snapped back up.
"You three come as a package. Whatever these two were doing, you probably were part of it."

Once class ended, the three of them set off to go to the common room, to check up on their work.
"Detta?" George said as he caught up to her.
"I think we've done something wrong with-" He was interrupted by Fred.
"We have done nothing wrong. We literally bewitched the fireworks so they dont light things up on fire."
Of course, it had been Fred who had done the bewitching, and even though he was quite a skilled wizard, Odette had her doubts. She chose to trust his skill.

The wind was knocked out of her when Caspian decided that her back was the perfect place to set and hang off of. "How's it going?" He winked while she tried placing both her feet on the ground.
"It was well until right about now." She yanked his hands off her shoulders and his behind met the ground with a loud thud. She stopped and turned to help him up. He reached his hand and pulled her down with him. "Fuck you"
"You know I won't, I'm gay."
"Well fuck you anyway." She rose, and walked, catching up with the twins not bothering to wait for him.
"Oh, I spoke with Cedric by the way!" Only Odette and George stopped when Caspian said those words. George started at him attentively, Fred stopping too, sparing a glance at his brother.

"Mhm?" Odette crossed her arms above her chest, waiting on his response.
"Well, you bloody idiot, he is very much still into you." That did not explain what Cedric had meant by "him".
"Honestly I think that for Dette's sake it's best we do not speak of Cedprick." George said, and Odette pointed at him.
"Thank you."
"What is it with you Gryffindors and your loathing of him?"
"I don't. You know I don't." Said Dette. "However, I'm sure these two hate him cause no one seems to want them when he's around."

"You don't know how right you are." George mumbled, missing Odette's ear. He refused to tell her what he'd said.
Fred pinched her back and spoke, "Lee's got a free period with us. I say we hang out in the common room."
Odette played along, "Oh, yes, absolutely."
She slowly looped her arm around George's, finding it odd that his muscles tensed when her skin made contact with his.

Upon walking to the common room, she reminded Caspian that he was to remember the new password, which was GeorginaWeasley.
"And why is that the password?" Asked Caspian.
"I chose it. I choose all the passwords." She devilishly smiled as the fat lady shreaked.
"Or else I be replaced!"

Her laughter quickly died down when the door opened to reveal a burning common room. Odette stopped by the threshold, looking at Fred, mouth agape.
"What did you guys-" Caspian's sentence was cut short by Odette's fury.
"Well, I thought so-"
"You are so, so lucky the fire can't transport to the dormitories and get our siblings."
"Have no fear, Lee is here!" Again, shock and terror stopped the laughter short. "What in the world? Who let a dragon loose in the common room?"
Odette just shook her head "Be our friend they said. It'll be fun they said." She said taking a look at the common room again. "Mhm so fun."

"Detta!" A small voice shouted from afar. "Odette!"
"Harry? Harry, is that you?" Odette was about to run in, but George held her back. She realsed he had not spoken almost the entire time.
"Yes! Yes it's me. No worries though, I'm sure you didn't want me to be set on fire!"
"Leave the sarcasm aside, kid. Or I swear to you you won't be spared a second time!" She shouted.
"We truly are fine. It's just hot as hell."
"Mind your fucking language, Potter." Said Odette.
"Hypocrite." Cas coughed.

"You know instead of bickering with each other, one might think of calling over, oh I don't know, Dumbledore?" Harry sassed from afar.
"You're lucky I can't reach you, you stupid little rascal!" Then she turned to Caspian, "You go."
"I did not cause this."
"Harry is there place for one more in the fire?" And at Harry's confused "WHAT?" Caspian strode away, complaining about his life being threatened today. It made Odette wonder who else had the audacity to threaten Caspian's life.
"Who else is in there?" Asked Fred.
"Ron and Mione." He said, then after a short second he added, "And a few of your friends."

"Next time you start a fire, make sure I'm at least 50 meters away!" Shouted Angelina.
Dumbledore finally got there, and with a few short swishes of his wand, he revived the room to look the same as it had before.
He turned to the lined up trio in front of him, "Who's going to tell me which of you did this?" Odette took a step. "I know it wasn't you. I've had you here for three years now. You either work together or not at all."
"Okay, fine it was all of us." The twins spoke up.
"It was supposed to be a show-" Fred started.
"But I guess our fireworks failed." George said.
"70 points will be taken from Gryffindor for life endagerment and property damage." Dumbledore walked off.

Odette took that as her que to run inside and sprint to Harry, who tried reassuring her that he was indeed fine, but the burnt skin on his arm was telling her a whole other story.
"I'm fine." Harry was coughing.
"You are not." She took a closer look at his arm and pulled him and Ron all the way to the Medical Wing. Despite Odette's protests, she was not allowed in, due to having spilled every bottle of medicine last time she'd visited, which consisted of potions that had taken months of work to concuct.
"That's my brother in there!" She shouted as the doors were shut in her face.
"And there are still stains on my floor!"

She walked away, frowning and hoping that Harry's arm would be fine. Of course, the worst thing that could happen to a wizard was death, but nonetheless.
"Odette?" Cedric called over to her. "Are you all right?"

"Harry's in there." She spoke. "And you've heard of the medicine incident and all."
"You should be in there."
"That's what I've been saying!" She turned toward the hospital wing.
"You're not coming in here!" Pomfrey said.
Cedric had started laughing, and Odette smiled as she looked at him, letting out a little laugh of her own. She then asked him what he was laughing about, and he smiled and blushed as he said.
"You are so cute when you're mad." Said Cedric.
Odette only laughed, hitting his arm slightly and took his hand, leading them away.

Hand in hand they made their way to the courtyard, and sat on a bench speaking of quidditch and school, and again and again about how worried Odette was for Harry. She was smiling when she saw George standing behind Cedric, his brown eyes burning into her own. His red hair glistened under the sun and for some reason that made her stomach drop, and butterflies fluttered up and down, reaching even her mind. Maybe it was because both he and Cedric were smiling at her, Cedric raising a confused brow which he quickly lowered upon noticing George.
"Is it okay if I borrow Odette for a minute?" He said to Cedric, though the question was said whilst looking into her eyes. Odette rose with no word, waving goodbye to the latter.

His hand was wrapped around her shoulder, again sending chills down her spine. He then squeezed her arm, starting his sentence.
"I truly apologise, you know. I tried telling Fred repeatedly-"
"I promise you George, I blame no one but him. He should have double checked. But the past is in the past, and I'm fine with the Common Room burning down as long as Harry remains okay."
Her chills quickly rose to level a thousand when George picked her up and set her on his shoulders, refusing to let her down despite her cries.

𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, 𝐆EORGE WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now