Christmas Memories

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"That's what Christmas memories are made from. They're not planned; they're not scheduled. Nobody puts them in their blackberry. They just happen." — Deck The Halls (2006)


Everyone was gathered in the main room by the oversized Christmas tree, thanks to Stark, exchanging their gifts.

This year the group of Avengers had decided on doing secret Santa since the group had been growing in size making it harder to get everyone a gift for everyone else.

Nat got Bucky, buying him a new pair of gloves and a small telescope since she had noticed him sneaking out at night to stargaze when he couldn't sleep. Even if he tried hiding it, he was a giddy little boy when he had opened it. Smiling brightly at it before clearing his throat and giving Nat a hug for the thoughtful gift.

Wanda got Sam, working with Stark on updating his combat boots to give him a little more of a boost when he fought. She had added some little bit of her magic to it somehow making them a lot more balanced and powerful for fights.

Stark had gotten you a coupon book on different ways to enhance your combat suit. He wasn't even your secret Santa, but he said his gift to you was more of a gift to him anyway. It was mainly a joke considering he had been begging you to let him spruce it up, but you were happy with your outfit. It had yet to fail you up to this point, so what was the point of changing things? You laughed at Tony who had a look of hope when you opened it and you figured, what the heck? It's Christmas, let the man have a little fun.

"Fine Stark, you can make me a new suite," you sigh with a chuckle.

"Finally!" he shouted. "I thought it was going to take me blowing it up with a missile to get you to say yes to some changes," he sighed pulling you into a side hug and squeezing you hard.

"Hey, I didn't say I'm dumping the other one. You can build me another, but I'm keeping my original incase I don't like it," you pointed up at him as a warning, but still smiling.

"Haven't met anyone who's unhappy about a Stark original," he shrugged giving you a final squeeze and walking back over to the group still opening presents.

Vision got Thor. Thor got Banner. Banner got Wanda. Clint got Tony. Tony had Nat. The list went on.

You however had not been approached by your secret Santa yet, and you had yet to find your person that you were giving your gift to. That is until the blonde haired man was spotted resting half his body weight with his shoulder on the door frame watching the crew laugh, shout, and joke around in the space ahead.

"Party is in there, you know?" you said coming up to him making him smile as he looked down at you for a second before going back to look at his friends.

"I know," he grinned with a fond smile as he watched a little longer.

You moved to angle yourself on the wall next to him brushing your shoulder on his arm as you mimicked his stance and watched with him.

It was quite a sight. All the crew exchanging presents and laughing without a care in the world. It was a rarity for this group. Having a second to enjoy life and not worry about the doom of the world coming. This was better than any present someone could wrap up in paper and slap a bow on top. This was priceless.

"This is my favorite part of the Holidays," Steve spoke up breaking you out of your people watching. "That's what Christmas memories are made from. They're not planned; they're not scheduled. Nobody puts them in their blackberry. They just happen."

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