Stop avoiding the conversation

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"I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!"

"And I'm trying to avoid it!"

She had been avoiding him for the past two days successfully. Anytime she heard him come in a space, she was able to duck out of it in two seconds. If she heard his voice just in the room over, best believe she was five rooms away from that one in the next instant.

Lucky for her, she had become pretty familiar to his schedule as they happened to share a similar routine. You know, besides the whole waking up at 5 in the morning for what feels like a never ending run. Yeah, she'll kindly pass on that one.

However, the fates were not on her side today. That or Steve Rogers had finally figured out her strategies and caught on to her intentional avoidance.

"Y/N!" he shouted from down the hall.

She didn't even have to turn around to know he was doing that signature speed walk, hands balled in fist next to his side, and perfect pectoral muscles bouncing with each step.

Nat next to her did turn back however and quirked an eyebrow at the intense sense of dedication to catch up to them on his face. Looking back at Y/N she saw her head lower and her feet speed up.

"You guys still haven't talked about it?" Nat chuckled, catching on quick.

"No, and I don't want to," Y/N responded quickly, taking a turn which Nat followed.

"Oh, you want to. You're just scared about what he has to say about it," Nat nudged her.

Y/N only glanced back to see if he was still following, and surprisingly, she didn't see him take the turn with them.

"Well, if I must say," Nat started.

"Good thing you must say nothing," Y/N snarked back.

"Clearly, the conversation is going to go somewhat the direction you want if he's hunting you down this hard. If it wasn't, I'm sure he would be playing the hide and go seek game like you are right now, minus the seek part," she continued anyway.

"Butt out Nat," Y/N waved off, checking her surroundings intently to make sure they had really lost him. But just as she turned the next corner while looking behind her, she ran into a firm chest.

Stumbling back at the unexpected hit, hands came up to steady her. With just that touch alone, she knew who she ran into.

"Shit," she mumbled, looking up into the sapphire blues in front of her.

He just raised an eyebrow at her. The entire look reading, "Really? You're going to keep running from me and not expect me to catch you at some point?"

"Yeah, I'll leave you two alone. I have a mainframe to hack somewhere or something," Nat joked, using phony movie terms and pointing behind her while walking backwards.

"Nat!" Y/N shouted from where she still had Steve's hands on her forearms holding her in place.

Nat didn't respond other than with a wink and a quick turn of her back as she sped away.

"Some friend," she groaned. When the tension around her arms didn't let up at all, she looked back at the serious blonde. "Nope, not doing this. Not today," she shook her head, quickly squirming out of his arms no matter how hard he tried to keep her there. She was a trained spy after all. Getting out of simple hold like that was like listing her ABC's

"Y/N!" he shouted, running back to her as she speed walked the opposite direction. When she didn't turn and instead walked even faster, he started lightly jogging to keep up with her. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!"

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