"We're so screwed..." you say. He nods.

"Jin Masuda. Step away from the patient and cooperate. Come with us to proceed further investigation of this case, and go back into the custody of the JPD," and officer said, walking towards you.

You look over almost at our teacher, with an almost petrified expression.

"W-wait..." you look over at the officers, "P-please don't. Not again," you plead, clinging onto Jin's shirt like your fucking life depended on it.

Before you know it, you're pulled off of him by a strong force. It was almost painful in fact. And with your body being so weak, and sensitive, you let out a pained whimper.

Jin's head instantly turned to the officer only to be met with a hand to his face and his face being pushed against the vehicle.

"H-hey! What the hell!" he spit, "Y/n are you okay?" he asked a bit enraged.

"Hey. Let him be," you look towards the low voice to see your teacher walking towards the two of you.

With that the officer backed off, not wanting to deal with the pro hero, and the consequences of his aggressive actions.

As Aizawa got closer, you and Jin both clung onto each other. You couldn't lose him again. Not like that. Not when it was your fault he was taken away in the first place.

"Glad to see you feeling better Y/n.." he says with a tired expression.

You send a glare at him and continue to lean into Jin.

"We need you to come with us so tha-" he started but was cut off.

"Masuda....we came around to your terms so we will need to continue with the main point of this trip. You've seen her, and she is ok. You have ten minutes to talk and then we leave to get your statement. Then we can discuss your court situations," the officer said.

"And after that we get Y/n back into school, and into a rehab and therapy set up," Aizawa says in an almost emotionless voice.

"W-what!?" you asked, "Y-you can't!" you look up at Jin who looks just as shocked as you.

"B-but he didn't do anything wrong!" you shout out, lightly loosening your grip on Jins shirt, "It was my fault!"

"Y/N!" a voice yells, you turn to the voice to see a worried Kirishima running towards you, "Don't run off like that! You're still recovering!" he looked down at you but paused when he saw Jin.

Jin sent him a cold glare and Kirishima's face scrunched up into a disgusted scowl.

"Here....let me help you up," Kirishima said offering you his hand, but before you could take it, Jin lifted you up to your feet and helped you straighten out. He glared at Kirishima and pulled you closer to his body.

"Hey there red," his voice dripped with venom as he spoke the mocking nickname.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jin said almost creepily. I looked up at him, already being able to feel his emotions of jealousy burning through him.

"I'm here helping Y/n. Masuda." he emphasized his last name which made Jin tik. He always hated his last name. In fact ever scene his parents passed, he never even told people his last name. He always went by Jin.

You can barely even remember his parents' faces...their voices have long been absent from your memories, now just soft distant echoes of people that you once knew, in another time. Too bad.. They were incredible people. Those heroes weren't theri to protect them the same way they weren't there to protect you. That something you and Jin both had in common. You both hated heroes.

"Don't call me that." Jin threatened. You watched their eyes burn into each other's eyes. Both of them silently daring each other to look away first.

"I thought I told you to stay away," Jin spit out.

"And I thought I told you No," he snapped back. Hey were talking right over you as if you weren't even there.

"G-guys..." you say, "C-can we be nice for a minute," you laughed nervously and realized that the intensity wasn't going down at all.

"Kirishima, can you go back inside and tell the others that I'm...uh.. Sorry, for the outburst. But they should leave now. I don't think I'll be able to see them for awhile...I don't know how confident I'll be when I have to face them again," you explained looking down at your bare feet. They had gotten so beat up so to all the dirt and running and scraping that they had endured.

"I'm sure Bakubro will get the message and tell them to leave," he argued, him and Jin still giving each other looks that seem like they could kill someone with.

"No..Kirishima. I want you to go tell them to leave. I want some time with Jin before he has t-to go...again." you confirm. His eyes became more gentle and he looked down on you about to open his mouth to say something.

"Alone...Please," he shut his mouth and gave you a sad look. Up until now you had been with him. Up until now, he was able to be your support. Why is it that the second Jin is back in the picture, you seem to be closing him out again. Only if Jin didn't come back.

"O-okay.." he says and turns around heading towards the doors, "I'll see you in a bit then."

You look up at Jin once again to see that he is still wary of the police and the hero around him. And his eyes waver between them and the red headed boy walking to the hospital's entrance.

"Y/n...we need to talk about what's going to happen," he starts. He looks down at you with sad eyes.

"W-what do you mean..?" your heart raced at his suddenly tender behavior. What in the world does that even mean.... What is he talking about...?

"Y/n....about what the plan is. What's going to happen..." he explains, putting his and on the top of your head and stroking our hair back. His eyes became tears. But he wanted to hold them in for you. ..he didn't want you to think he was afraid...You gave him a puzzled look when you see how distraught he has become.

He took a deep breath and let it out in the form of a long sigh. He pulled you into his chest for a hug, which you obviously returned.

"When I'm arrested and put in jail..." he finished. With his voice slightly trembling and you hear it crack.

Word count: 1781

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