Mori Training (Chapter 10)

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We could see Izuku being kicked to the ground by Mori as he fell on his butt panting for air his face shows signs of how much he received a beating from his Uncle Mori, Mori Jin who was staring at Izuku with a frown on his face before it softened. 

Mori (Smile): You're doing it wrong Izuku!

Izuku (Panting): I know uncle, but I don't know how to do it. 

Mori: Listen Izuku you have a lot of potential to become strong and while I am not happy that you, Daewi and Mira hid from me about your childhood but I do understand your concern so I won't press it but you need to realize that you were self taught which isn't different from your father but then again you need a guiding hand, you need to understand that you can do much better than this, your father could make simple kicks that could destroy a mountain and you are no different than him you have the same potential as him that's why I am here to help you because if anyone know about Ssam-Taekkyeon better than anyone would be me. 

Izuku: Okay so what should I do again!

Mori: Take a deep breath when making a kick, punch or any attacks there should be no movement wasted and no energy wasted it is then you could achieve the ultimate technique take my Recoilless as a prime example. 

Izuku nod his head as he took a deep breath closed his eye as he attempted a kick wasting no movement and making sure to waste no energy by condensing it on his leg releasing it he managed to destroy a mountain although it took a lot of effort from his part to do it but seeing the mountain fall brought him a sense of pride. 

Mori (Smile): Good Job Izuku that is a good start but you still have a long way before you could become master in my eyes. 

Izuku: Thanks Uncle!

Mori: Now then I want you to keep practicing it, I want you by the end to see you able to perform the technique without having to concentrate or close your eyes do it without thinking because every second matter in this world. 

Izuku nod his head as he started practicing his kicks and punches wanting to do it without thinking, Mori smiled as he walked away finding a rock to rest on as he brought out a lunch box and started to eat a sandwich, two shadows loomed over Mori before it took a seat next to him. 

Daewi: So how is his training?

Mori: It's really going well, he is a real prodigy just like his father but just need someone to guide him properly. 

Mira (Worried): Are you sure it's okay for him to continue in the state he is in?

Mori: I know that he shouldn't be training in such state but that is his own will and own pride he doesn't want to take it easy and want to prove he earned it through his own hard work just like the three of us isn't that right Mira. 

Mira (Sigh): I know I am not one to talk about this considering that I worked till I fainted but he has grown on me and to be honest he became like a son to me. 

Daewi: he has grown on me as well but he want to do this to at least honor his father it's a matter of pride as he is the inheritor of Ssam-Taekkyeon as well. 

Mori: Anyways, how is your stay on Oraeguk?

Mira: The two month spend here was nice at least it's a new environment and much better than staying at the house all the time beside seeing the lively people here makes me happy. 

Daewi: Yeah, you did a good job ruling your people Mori. 

Mori: I owe them as much it was due to me leaving for much longer time that a fake Monkey King rose up and enslaved some of the people and the people followed him blindly because some thought that I let my own people fight my wars and die in it but then again I had the old generation by my side supporting me.  

Mira: Don't blame yourself to much Mori you did a lot for your people and they are extremely grateful for you. 

Daewi: I have to agree to be honest I might not admit it but having my followers back in the days was also nice especially how they went to great length to make me happy. 

Izuku who was working on lowering the time he takes on releasing the kick as he took a deep breath and without closing his eyes he released the kick instantly resulting in another mountain to be destroyed which amazed the three adults who smiled. 

Daewi: One thing is for sure the next generation is in good hands. 

Mori: I have to agree but to be honest watching him remind me of the old days when Ilpyo used to train or fight. 

Mira: I am sure Ilpyo is proud of his son right now, I just hope things remain peaceful for much longer. 

Daewi (Sigh): We all know things won't be easy as we wish for. 

Mori then started clapping getting Izuku attention who looked at both his uncle and aunt who were smiling at him, he was quite exhausted but his smile never faltered for one second. 

Mori: That's enough for today Izuku let's get back to have a warm dinner. 

Izuku: Thanks Uncle, I was really getting tired and hungry. 

Izuku then walked towards them a little tired as Mira made sure that he was okay as she went into her mother mode making Izuku embarassed but also happy with the affection he got as they headed towards the castle to take a shower and have a dinner so they can calm there growling stomachs but one thing was for sure Izuku is getting stronger everyday and is destined for great things. 

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