the goodbye that was left unheard

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"Think about something you're connected to. Something you could easily explore and master."

My answer was just one word, and it seemed to put a look of surprise on everyone's face as it escaped my lips.


"What?" They questioned in unison.

"Fire, lava, whatever you want to call it." I shrugged and brushed a strand of my hair back.

"That seems dangerous." Gon implied.

"Why not water?" Offered Zushi.

"Hmm. Water creates life...but fire destroys it."

Wings eyes widened as I said these words and he brought his hands to his sides. "Pick something else. Or take your leave. I refuse to create a monster."

I tightened my fists and stood up from my spot, remembering what Hisoka said that one night. I was a monster, yes, but I must learn to embrace it.

"You didnt know? I'm already a monster." I smiled and began to walk towards the door, letting out a small laugh before I left.

That also happened to be the day I left Heavens Arena. Also though I did purchase tickets to watch one last fight.


I was in the second row of the stands, being swarmed by a bunch of fangirls who filled the first row. I tuned them out and focused on the slight movement of Kastros mouth. Following with a short reply from hisoka.

Once the ref slashed his arm down and initiated the start of the match, Kastro lunged forwards and sprung towards Hisoka. He raised his hand, going n for a strike, but then flashed behind Hisoka and landed a solid hit on his back. Hisoka brought his hand up to wipe his mouth before grinning excitedly. Kastro stood over him for a second, mumbling something I couldn't read. Hisoka's eyes became slender and he rose before Kastro dove in for another attack. This time, Hisoka leaned back and dodged the first punch, but only to be hit from a different side. Catching himself from the fall, Hisoka stuck out an arm and caught himself, flipping away from Kastro who was still diving towards him. Dust was flying up from the tile, and Kastros golden cloak fluttered through the wind as he consecutively sent Hisoka attacks. Hisoka was flying back, dodging every single punch Kastro was throwing his way. Kastro suddenly went in for a false attack but then, once again, flashed behind Hisoka and planted a rough punch on the side of his face. The impact had knocked Hisoka to the ground, indicating a clean hit and a knockdown. The referee hesitated before stepping over Hisokas motionless body.

"C-c-can you fight?" He stuttered, obviously afraid of the magician. Hisoka's mouth pulled into a smirk and the ref shuddered and stepped back as Hisoka stood back up. Hisoka fixed his glowing golden eyes on Kastro as he spoke. He continued to ramble on, sliding a finger to his chin and smirking. Kastro tilted his head to the side confidently and replied to whatever Hisoka may have said. Kastro then stretched an arm out, fisting it as it became surrounded by a green smoke. EVen with all this excitement, Hisoka looked rather bored. Unaffecting by Kastros "Intimidating" stance, Hisoka stood still.

The crowd was yelling uncontrollably, talking about how Kastros was using his Tiger Bite Fist.

Kastro plunged towards Hisoka, who for some reason had a single arm outstretched calmly. Kastro dove to take Hisoka's arm, but appeared on the other side of the ring, slicing off Hisokas other arm. I winced as I watched the detached limb fall to the pale tile. Hisoka just turned his head towards his opponent and smirked, looking pleased with himself he mumbled something to Kastro. I'm guessing Kastro didn't appreciate the comment because Hisoka was soon tumbling in the air. He caught himself by throwing a foot back, sending a cloud of dust up from behind him. Hisoka simply reached into the air and caught his severed arm, handling it like a new toy.

Hisoka laughed and muttered something, following with kastro raising an arm and focusing his nen. He was soon split into two: he had a double. I was expecting that his ability was jumping through some sort of gap in time but this- this was much more exciting to watch. Hisoka was still holding his fallen limb, deep in his conversation with Kastro. The two exchanged words for a decent amount of time before Kastro lunged. Hisoka positioned the severed arm in between his arm and his chest, holding it secure. He then pulled out a white scarf, and draped it around the limb. He tossed them into the air, only for cards to fall in place of the arm. The cards were on the ground in front of him, and his arm was nowhere to be found. He smiled as he dug into the stub where his arm used to be, and pulled out a singular card.

Hisoka smiled as he tossed the card towards one of Kastros figures, but it stood up and swiped it down. One of the Kastros was standing with an agitated look on his face, the other one was still positioned in a battle stance. Hisoka then stretched his other arm out, inviting Kastro to attack. The Kastro that had just been talking froze while the other jumped out of position. He lept towards Hisoka, and just like before, struck his arm so his limb had become detached. Hisoka's arm bounced out of the arena, but something was different. His other arm had reattached! Hisoka lifted his restored arm and legan to laugh, the sound ringing in the stadium as fans watched in shock. Hisoka took a few confident strides toward Kastro, who backed up cautiously. He approached Kastro slowly, who reacted by jumping into the air and preparing for another attack. His double split mid air and Hisoka focused his attention on one of the bodys, effortlessly dodging all of the following punches. The other double who had been standing to the side sprung towards Hisoka, only to be hit by Hisokas fist. But not the fist that was attached to his body. His severed arb flew through the air and landed in front of him, knocking Kastros double down.

Kastros double joined back with his body as he began to sway uncontrollably, leaving him vulnerable for Hisokas next attack. Two cards sliced through the flesh on each of his arms, two in each leg, one on each side of his chest, and one through the heart. Kastros lifeless body slumped against the now-blood-stained tile as Hisoka strutted out of the arena.

Watching that one watch, was more interesting than fighting all of mine combined. Was this what Hisoka was talking about? Was this what made me such a boring opponent? I didn't have the Tiger Bite Fist, and I didnt have Bungee gum. Of course I had my hands, but I needed to craft a nen ability. I understand it all now. Thank you, Kastro, for leaving me this...educational opportunity. Respectively, your death was very productive for my future.

I raced to Hisokas room, thinking about how I could tell him everything. I wanted to tell him how I finally understood. And I wanted to tell him that I was leaving. All I wanted was a mere goodbye- to the person who had made me stronger.

I knocked on the tall gold-framed wooden door. No answer. I knocked again. Once more. No answer. My heart tightened with disappointment; but this wasn't going to delay or cancel by leave. I sighed and jogged back to the elevator before packing up my things and checking out of Heavens Arena.

Hisoka's perspective

Machi was walking slightly ahead of me, eager to get to my room, complete the stitches, and leave. She turned the corner and stopped, turning back to look at me. "Some girl was just knocking at your door." She said flatly, carrying her bag over her shoulder.

"Hmmm~ Probably just housekeeping~" I replied, licking off dried blood from my lips.

"It wasn't housekeeping. She was in the stands too." Machi claimed, waiting for me to unlock the door.

"Hmm~" I cooed, thinking of who it could be. "Whoever it was can wait, I'm sure they'll visit again later~"

"Uhuh. Now lets get these done." 

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