"I don't know. Maybe a month or more." 

"Hey. You okay?" I asked, interrupting their conversation and making (F/N)'s already flushed face  drained of the rest of its color, as she whispered,

"I gotta see Ducky." 

"Wha- (F/N)? (F/N)!" I called, as she walked away and when I went to follow, Bishop stopped me. 

"I'll go with her. You should stay here."

"Bishop. She's my girlfriend. I have the right to know if something is wrong!" 

"You do, Gibbs. But trust me on this one." 


"Just...Trust me."


An hour later I was sitting in the bullpen, trying to focus on paperwork and I couldn't. Standing up, I grabbed my coffee cup and walked to the elevator, going down to autopsy. When I got there, Ducky was looking over a report on his computer and I called,

"Duck." He turned around and greeted,

"Ah. Jethro! What can I do for you?"

"Duck, c'mon. What's going on with (F/N)?" 

"Jethro, I can't tell you that. Doctor patient confidentiality." 


"Jethro, I can't."

"Fine, fine. Just tell me. Is she okay?"

"She's fine, Jethro. You should talk to her." 

"I would if I knew where she was."

"Try either the Director or Abby."

"I will. Thanks, Duck."

Walking away, I went up to Leon's office and knocked before entering. Leon was on the phone and when he saw me, he spoke into the phone,

"I'll call you back." Hanging up, he turned to me and started,

"Gibbs. You're here."

"Yeah. I'm here. Where's (F/N)?" 

"She hasn't came here."

"You're a terrible liar, Leon." 

"Yeah, well. That's (F/N) for you. She impacts us all." 

"I'm going find her." As I was walking out of his office, he called,

"Jethro." Stopping, I turned to him and he finished, 

"If she doesn't wanna be found. You aren't going to find her. You know that." 

"I can try." 

Going down to Abby's lab, I walked into the room and Abby called,

"Gibbs! You're here." 

"Well, yeah Abbs. I'm looking for my girlfriend. Have you seen her?"

"Well, she came by and then left. So, I haven't got a clue."

"Abby, ping her phone." 

"Not gonna work. She's probably turned it off."

"Oh fuck this." I growled out, flipping open my phone and walking back to the elevator. 

Reader's Point of View

I was sitting at a cafe across town and my I had just turned my phone back on when Jethro's messages and phone calls came through. Sighing, I called Ducky and he answered after the second ring,

"Hullo, my dear."

"Hey, Duck. My results come back in?"

"Yes. Your hCG is high. Your theory was right. About two months." 


"You there, (F/N)?"

"I'm here, Duck. Thank you. I gotta go." 


Hanging up, I put my phone down and rested my head on my arms, holding back tears. 

About thirty minutes later, Jethro pulled up and when he saw me three emotions washed over his face in seconds. Concern, relief, and anger. Sitting across from me, he glared and seethed,

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" 

"I'm pregnant." 

"You could've been killed! You could've been kidna-- You're what?" 

"I'm two months pregnant, Jethro." 




"Jet- Oh!" Jethro was up and rounded the table in a millisecond, asking,

"You're serious? We're pregnant?" He was kneeling down in front of me and he wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my stomach. Lacing my fingers through his hair, I looked down at him and he was looking at my stomach, whispering,

"Hi, in there. Daddy's here. I'm gonna protect you and mommy." 

"Jethro." I whispered, catching his attention and when his eyes met mine, I felt my heart clench. Moving to his feet, he towered over me and pressed a hard kiss to my mouth, immediately. Clutching onto his jacket, I would've pulled him into my lap if he weren't so much larger than me. 

"What'd you eat?" Jethro asked, pulling away from me and resting his forehead on mine. Shaking my head, I replied,

"Nothing. Had some tea. Paid for it already, so don't even try."

"What do you want for dinner? My treat."

"It's always your treat."

"Well, I have an excuse now. Gotta take care of my babies." 

"Indian sound good?"

"Whatever you want, sweetheart. Plus, we have something to celebrate." 

"And here I thought you'd wanna chew my ass out."

"Oh, I will. Trust me." 

"Take me home, Jethro."

"You didn't drive?"

"The bus."

"I should be surprised, but I'm not." 

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