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Nathan POV
It's been two days since me and Sophie made it official we still haven't told anyone yet but we're telling people today I'm on the phone with Sophie she just finished her makeup
N: hey look at the camera
S: ok
I took a picture I decided to post it
S: what you doing today
N: nothing why
S: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out
N: sure
S: ok see you In a little while bye
N: bye
Then I hung up and got ready I went downstairs and told my mom I was hanging out with Sophie she said ok
Sophie POV
I just hung up with Nathan when I got a phone call from piper
On the call
P: hey
S: hello
P: what are you doing today
S: I'm hanging out with Nathan
P: oh I wanted to hang out
S: we can still hang I'll just bring Nathan
P: ok that sounds good bye
S: bye
Call ended
Piper POV
When I got off the phone with Sophie I was so excited she was coming jentzen came in my room
J: hi
P: hey
J: what are we doing today
P: I actually invited Sophie over
J: oh ok cool
P: so she should be coming soon so let's go tell the squad
J: ok
My phone buzzed I got a notification it said Nathan posted
P: wait Nathan posted
J: Nathan as in Sophie crush Nathan
P: yeah look
J: wow guess there relationship is really serious
P: I don't know
( this is the post)

Nathan POV It's been two days since me and Sophie made it official we still haven't told anyone yet but we're telling people today I'm on the phone with Sophie she just finished her makeup N: hey look at the camera S: okI took a picture I decided ...

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Sophie POV
I went downstairs and told my mom I'm ready to go I told her to go to Nathan's house when we got there he came to the car
N: hey
S: hi
We hugged then we drove to piper's house when we got there Nathan seemed confused
N: what are we doing here
S: so after we hung up piper called she wanted to hang out so I told her I would bring you
N: oh ok
We walk up to the door and knocked piper answers
P: hey Sophie hey Nathan
N: hi piper
S: hey
We go in the squad is in the living room so we go there
S: hi
N: hey
Ts: hi
S: where is Jenna
P: she is running a little late why
S: I have an announcement but I'll wait till Jenna gets here
just then there was a knock on the door lev went to go answer it he came back with Jenna
Je: omg Sophie hey
Je: hey y'all
Ts: hey
S: hi
L: so Sophie what's the announcement
S: right but first I need to post
J: really
Em: you can't just lead us on like that
S: sorry but everyone go look at my recent post
Everyone but me and Nathan look on instagram and go on my page here's the post

P: yay Je: you guys are so cute together and I'm happy for you to Sophie your growing up my daughter Everyone laughed at that J: happy for y'all E: so cuteEveryone else agreed P: so Sophie we do not need a definite answer yet but do you wanna rejo...

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P: yay
Je: you guys are so cute together and I'm happy for you to Sophie your growing up my daughter
Everyone laughed at that
J: happy for y'all
E: so cute
Everyone else agreed
P: so Sophie we do not need a definite answer yet but do you wanna rejoin the squad
S: I'll have to think about it
P: ok we totally understand
S: if I were to rejoin the squad would Sarah Brooklyn Nathan and Ryker be able to join the squad
P: yeah totally
S: ok
We all hung out then we went for dinner when dinner was finished we saw the paparazzi gamer
Pg: hey guys oh hey Sophie Nathan that's a surprise
S: I know
Pg: so questions how are all the couples
Ts: everyone still together except one of the couples
Pg: which one
J: so unfortunately me and elliana broke up
E: yeah so we're still friends and no hate to jentzen it's just we went separate ways and jentzen also has a new crush
J: yeah also no hate to elliana either like elliana said we're still friends and all but yeah
Pg: ok now nophie you guys recently made it official correct
N: yes that is correct I asked her to be my girlfriend two days ago also keep an eye out for a video on my YouTube channel of how I asked Sophie to be my girlfriend it's actually premiering tonight so make sure you check that out
Pg: ok now Sophie are back in the squad
S: not right now but maybe in the near future
Pg: ok so now your thoughts on Gavin
S: Gavin is living his own life I'm happy for him I still support him I miss him and I love him so I hope he goes somewhere in the future with his music and all and I wish him luck
P: yeah same I love him and I miss him maybe we will reunite in the future but who knows
Pg: have you guys heard his new song
P: sad song right
Pg: yeah
S: I love all of Gavins music I have heard all his music um I listen to fake love all the time i only listen to sad song once though
P: same um the memories we shared with Gavin and the other ogs are always in are heart and will never be forgotten especially the prank I did on Sophie and Gavin the memory loss prank
S: I still need my revenge on you for that
P: whatever
Pg: I'm going to let y'all go bye
Ts: bye
We ended up having a sleepover and we all went to bed

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