Oliver helped her unpack her trunk, and held her hands as they got off the train.

"You'll write to me, yeah?" Liana asked.

"Of course. Mum is still expecting you to come over summer." Kaylen informed and Liana beamed.

"Ah, Mrs. Hills loves me too much." the brunette exclaimed.

"Stop with the cockiness, will you?" she muttered sarcastically and Liana laughed.

"I'll be over." Liana inquired.

"This is goodbye for us, mate. We need to find our siblings." the twins chorused. But for some reason, they dragged a protesting Liana with them.

At the corner of Oliver's eyes, he caught sight of his parents with his mother waving enthusiastically at him.

Oliver smiled and wave back, squeezing Kaylen's hands that was laced with his, as the girl was yet to notice his parents.

"There they are! Come on, love!" Oliver dragged her by their interlocked hands.

Kaylen's eyes doubled in size, and she visibly gulped in anxiousness.

"Oh, you're here! We miss you!" his mum hugged him warmly and he chuckled.

"Mum, we saw each other last Christmas." Oliver said with a smile as his mom let him go.

"That was the longest months of my life." her mother murmured, wiping a tear and Oliver shake his head.

"Finally a legal adult, son." his father said.

His mother looked at the girl behind her son and there stood, a smiling Kaylen that was watching the whole exchange.

"Oh! And who is this young lass?"

Kaylen could hear the thickness of her scottish accent.

"Kaylen Hills. Nice to meet you! I'm Oliver's-"

"Girlfriend." Oliver finished, pulling her closer by the waist as the blonde blushed.

Rosie let out a loud gasp and squealed like a young school girl, whilst Gyan had his mouth hanged agape.

"Oh my merlin! I knew it Gyan!" Rosie exclaimed and clasped her hands together. She shook his son's girlfriend's hand with a gleeful expression.

Kaylen smiled at his mother's enthusiasm, as Oliver chuckled.

He knew they would love her.

"Nice to meet you! Oh, Oliver talks a lot about you!" Rosie beamed and Kaylen grinned at her boyfriend who blushed.

"Is that so? Good things, I hope."

"Oh, trust me dear. He can't talk bad about you even if he tried." Rosie laughed.

"Mum!" Oliver hissed.

"Oh, come off your guilt, Oliver. Well, I'm glad I finally get to meet you. I'm Oliver's mum, Rosie Wood." the woman beamed.

"A pleasure to meet you, dear. I was anticipating when to meet the girl that caught my son heart. I'm his father, Gyan Wood." the man reached his hand out that Kaylen politely shook.

"I'm honoured to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Wood." Kaylen exclaimed.

"Oh, don't be so formal sweetheart. Call me Rosie." the woman waved her hand.

"If you insist, Rosie." Kaylen smiled. She shared a look with Oliver beside her and smiled.

"Ah, it's really nice to finally meet the girl that was definitely 'not' Oliver's girlfriend." Rosie wiggled her brows and the scot boy rolled his eyes.

"Tell us, how did you manage to fall in love with our son who's a freak only in the circle of quidditch?" Gyan asked amusingly.

"Dad!" Oliver scolded.

Kaylen laughed as they bickered. She noted that Oliver got his brown hair from his father and his brown orbs from the warm ones of his mother.

One thing she knew as of now was that Oliver's family was kind and accepting.


i love the Wood family :))

I didn't do any research about Oliver's parents, merely because this is a fanfiction :)

And i wanna say happy birthday to my grandma, who just turned 88th today! 88 people! And she's still amazing and healthy!❤


pearlyy xx

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