Chapter 4

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I woke up and tried to remember what dream I had. I only remembered that there were thrones, nothing more. 

I was pretty sure that the people in my dream were related to Greek mythology. I had a bunch of books about mythology and decided that I might do some research after school.

It was hard to get out of my comfy fluffy bed. I can tell you that much. 

I searched through my closet until I found my light blue pleated skirt and my red-pink t-shirt in the third cabinet to the left. I put on my light blue denim jacket and head to the bathroom to brush my hair. Don't ask me why I found my hairbrush on the kitchen counter, cause I have no clue. 

As always, my hair was more tangled than average for any other human. I gripped my brush tight and started to comb through my hair before my brush snapped in half. Yes, my hair was that impossible. I sighed and facepalmed. Since I didn't have any other brushes, I just tied my hair into a messy ponytail. 

I rushed to my closet again and put on my white ankle-high socks. I was making my way to the bathroom when I stumbled on my own feet and fell down on my nose. Ouch. At least my nose isn't broken.    

I then grabbed my backpack and threw it on my shoulder.

What time is it... oh no... I. Am. Late. I rush around my house as fast as I can and even though I bump my head a couple of times on some door frames, I manage to get outside. I run as fast as my legs could carry me and stop right in front of the school. I turn on my digital watch and check the time again. 5 minutes early. Phew.

I rush inside the school gates and climb some stairs to the second floor before taking a right turn.

I open put in my password and open my metal locker. Taking some textbooks out of my bag, I hurriedly hang my jacket on a hook. After I get my math and language textbooks, I hang my backpack up on another hook. 

I quickly shut my locker with a loud CLANG sound. I never got how lockers made such loud noises even when the person shut the door gently. With my textbooks hugged to my chest, I open the half-open door with my elbow and walk-in.  

I sit in my usual seat in front of the teacher and begin to organize my pretty clean desk while the teacher walks into the classroom.

"Hello, class! Today we will be doing art! You will create a piece of art of a mythical animal that YOU made up. Not like a unicorn or a mermaid. YOU have to make it up. Like a half-dog half-bird hybrid maybe? I'll write the instructions on the board in case some more people come in. Everyone take out your sketchbooks and your acrylic paints! You can also use pastels or watercolors if you want. Take out your paintbrushes too. If you forgot to bring your paints or brushes, you can share with a classmate or just use the class brushes/paints. Get to work!"

Art was one thing I was good at. I opened up my sketchbook and flipped to a new page. I decided that I would draw a pencil sketch first before using the paint. As I took out my pencil and eraser, I thought about what I would draw. Maybe... a scorpion-deer-lion thingy? Yeah... that sounds about right. My pencil made a grey line on the yellowish white paper. I drew the legs of the deers but then drew 8 legs to make the creature more unique. I drew in the body and three scorpion tails.  I drew in the face. As my pencil made the last line, I leaned back to admire my work. 

Before long, my class was dismissed for recess. Everyone rushed outside to play with their friends while I walked to my locker and unzipped my bag to take out one of the many books I carried around with me.  I ran down the stairs and found a tree that I could sit under to read. After I read a few pages, a bell echoed through the school and I put my bookmark in place before getting up to go inside.  

Once I arrived at my class, I erased my sketch with a kneaded eraser to lighten up the dark lines a little so that they wouldn't be visible through the paint. I grabbed my brush and squeezed some paint onto my pallet. My paint-covered brush glided across the paper covering it with color. 

Before I could finish painting, the lunch bell rang. I left my sketchbook on my desk so that the paint would dry while I was in the cafeteria. 

I hurried over to the cafeteria hoping that I would be early enough for the line to be short enough. When I arrived, the line had only 4 people in line. The crystalline family. I stood in line behind the shortest girl and waited for the family to finish getting their food. 

That's where things started to go wrong.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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