Chapter One

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Hello Readers! Thank you for clicking on this book! This is my first ever book, so I apologize if it's bad. I'm very young, so feel free to correct my mistakes and suggest ideas.

People come into the lunchroom screaming and yelling. They crowded the room with their filthy existence. I was getting bored when I caught a few words off of a conversation.
"Have you heard..."
"Mary Crystalline..."
"I think..."
"I don't..."
I slammed my book shut. I couldn't concentrate on it anymore, the noise kept distracting me. That's when it hit me... there were new students!  At the corner of my eye, I saw three humanoids I was not familiar with. The first to walk in had an attractive body and an unnaturally beautiful face. She had short hair that went only a little over her shoulders. Her eyes were dark grey. The next person to step through the door was a little shorter and less slim, but still pretty skinny. She had her jaw set tight as if she didn't want to talk. Her eyes were bright purple. The last person to walk in was a boy. He was a wearing grey hoodie and had matching grey eyes. Damn. What was up with these people wearing contacts?
I rushed up to them. "Excuse me?" I asked. "What," Snapped the oldest-looking girl. I cringed. "Ummm.... nothing, sorry," I said. I was going to ask them if they wanted to be friends with me, but the girl's sharp tone caught me off guard. The youngest girl moved her lips, but the movement was so fast and quiet that I decided that I was hallucinating. I turned around and quickly walked back to my table as fast as I could.
I lowered my head and took out my black lunchbox. The zipper got jammed and I had to struggle a bit before the zipper would work again. The boy looked at me with startled eyes. I took out my sandwich and started nibbling on the corner. I put my hair at the side of my face so that it resembled a makeshift curtain. I peeked through my hair in search of the group. My eyes swept through the whole room twice before coming back to look at my sandwich. The group was nowhere to be seen. Oh NO. I looked up. All four of the weirdos were sitting across the table from me.
The youngest had her fist balled up. She was staring at me as if she were mad at me. The boy was the one directly in front of me and was looking at me as if he were worried. The other girl looked at me normally at least. I turned around and was startled by another human. Ugh. This one was also perfect and had brown eyes. Probably not wearing contacts. She leaned across the table and kissed the grey dude on his cheek. Ewwww I thought to myself. Kissy dissy people. BLEH.
I just looked away from the people and kept nibbling on my sandwich. I tried to eat it as fast as I could without letting the group notice.
After I was done eating, I quickly drank my orange juice.
I put on my denim jacket and picked up my lunch-box. I got up from my sit and retied my shoelaces, then I started to walk away.
The hallway seemed to go on forever until I finally reached the doctor's office. I knocked on the door. No response. I was about to turn around and head back to the misery of the lunchroom when I heard a creak behind me. "Yes?" nurse Catherine asked.
I was going to have to lie. "I'm not trying to disturb you Ms.Catherine, and I am terribly sorry to inform you that I may have to leave school early," I replied. Her answering voice was concerned, "How is that so?". I racked my brain trying to find a way to seem innocent. I remembered my strategy... I put on my puppy eyes and turned my voice as sweet as honey. "Madam, I have a headache. It's not that serious, but I think it would go away faster if I rested?", my statement came out sounding like a question. I mentally cringed. "Oh, yes! Of course, you can sweetie. Rest well," she said. "Thank you," I said gratefully.

As I sat on the leather seats of my car, I scolded myself for lying. I was usually a straight A student and obeyed the rules.
Although I lived alone, I always had company. Looking forward to seeing my cat, I started the engine and the car roared to life. I backed out of the parking lot and onto the icy road.
Before I knew it, I was stuck in traffic. I decided that I may as well look around me, what better activity was there to do? In front of me was a black truck. On the right side of me, there was a white Toyota. I turned my head to the left and a green forest lay ahead. I lost track of time as I stared into the green leaves of a tall and majestic tree.
Suddenly, my car was forcefully pushed forward. I was getting dreadfully close to a headlight. I tried to swerve out of the way but ended up bumping into another car. Black spots danced in my vision, and then, all I could see was black.

Word count: 935
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. I'll update as much as I can, but school may slow me down. May you have a wonderful day or night.

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