Chapter 3

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I opened the door and was shocked to find my mom's beautiful face twisted into a frown. Uh oh...

"Mom? Hiiiii?"I stretched the 'i' out making it sound like I was asking a question. My mother glared at me and I mentally facepalmed. My mother could be damn scary. "We. Have. To. Have. A. TALK," she said. The way she said it just confirmed that 'talk' was code for 'moment for me to be super overprotective and give you a whole lecture that you've heard a hundred times already. This was gonna be a long day.


"And that's what happened," I finished. "Seriously, you could have been badly injured! Are you sure you are okay?" my mother asked for the millionth time. 

My mother started worrying so much that this was how the rest of the conversation went:

"Yeah mom".

"You have to be more careful".

"I kn-".

"You have to be more focused".

Yes, mothe-".

"Reply to me, please,".

"I was goi-" 

"Shhhhh... I know you're scared baby".

"Mommmm. You are wayyy too overprotective".

"No I'm not. Now shush,".

"I'm gonna teach you an itty bitty tiny binny lesson. Ddon't take your eyes off of the road and be aware... even if you're stuck in traffic. If you do, you may cause injury to others or yourself. Don't stay up too late. Yell for help if you're being kidnapped. If you're being followed, call for help. Always bring your phone with you so that you can call for help. Don't text well driving. Don't eat expired food or drinks. Stay safe. Make sure that you aren't getting scammed when shopping online. Be careful. Did I mention to stay safe? If not, stay safe. Don't eat toothpaste. Don't swallow plastic. Don't drink alcohol. Be careful. Stay safe. Don't get burned well cooking. Don't get frostbite and stay warm outside. Get enough rest. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. Don't share personal information online. Stay safe and be careful. Did I tell you to keep your eyes on the road? Just keep your eyes on the road...."

You know what, I shall not waste your time. I'll just skip the rest of my mother's speech.

I collapsed on my bed as soon as my mom went out the front door. Hmmm... I better memorize my school schedule.  I took the folded paper out of my navy blue backpack and started to read it. Okay... I'm in class B2... double period math... recess... language... I'm boreeedddd, reading schedules is too boringggg. Maybe I have ADHD... not that I know of. Hmmm... I guess I can just sleep... It's night time after all. Oh... I forgot to check my mailbox... meh, I'll just check it tomarrow.

I folded my schedule up again and squeezed it in my backpack between my textbook and laptop. I then sat up crossed-legged and began my daily prayer "To all the gods and goddesses listening, please help us stop global warming, pollution, covid-19... and please let me have a normal day tomorrow. Thank you". You see, I have been hallucinating these days. When I went to the aquarium, I saw a... creature. It had scales all over its body and also had a um... dog's face? Yeah, also a fish-tail. Kinda looked like a creepy mermaid or something. And then I saw a lady with two snakes for legs and stuff. She had said, "Join ussss little daughter of the ssssea. Your dreamssssss will come true. All your dreamsssssssssssssssss!" Weird if you ask me. Maybe she was talking on Bluetooth or just talking to someone behind me or something. 

I snuggled under my white and blue blankets and closed my eyes. 

-In the dream-

 I'm walking through a tunnel. I don't know where I am going. I keep on walking. Walking and walking. There is a bronze door. I don't know how, but I walk through the door. There are two thrones. I woman with a forest green cloak that covers all of her face except for her mouth and the bottom of her nose. I can see her eyes through the cloak. Her eyes are glowing neon green. On the throne beside is a man. He seems to be made up of lava. He has no eyes. There are huge chunks of rocks stuck in his lava-like body. They both said in sync... "Join us".

Sorry for all the short chapters and whatnot. Feel free to give suggestions and vote, like, and comment if you liked this chapter! Thanks for reading this story or at least clicking on it!

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