Chapter 5

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She tries to talk me into playing dress-up
She's always flirting with the castle guards
I think you really sorta like her, 'fess up
I'd like her better if she'd lose at cards
Four sevens and a ten
I think I've won again
Every time she's won
This is my idea
This isn't my idea
Of fun

We need a royal wedding
I'd love to be invited
At least we'd get a holiday to rest our ploughs and axes
Someday these two will marry
Two lands will be united
And with some luck, their marriage may result in lower taxes

– “This is my Idea” from the Swan Princess

Chapter 5

            The fifth time I saw him, I started to like him. The previous meeting had been brutal. I spent all my time either arguing with him or trying to get away from him. Neither got me anywhere. The Packers swept the Vikings in 1997 and made it to the Super Bowl again, but they ended up losing. Still, a back-to-back NFC Championship was hard on Vikings fans. Our hatred for the Packers and their beloved leader increased in intensity.

            The Vikings’ fortunes turned around the next year. They had a record of 15-1, becoming only the third team in history to do so. It was the first time the Packers had not won the division in four years. I hoped that this marked the end of an era; it was time for the Vikings to triumph. Just when I thought we had finally made it, our dreams were brutally crushed. We lost the NFC Championship Game to the Atlanta Falcons by three points in overtime. The loss devastated Minnesota. It killed to have been playing so well and to have gotten so close only to lose at the last second. It was then I realized the curse Vikings fans had to endure. That season was the epitome of it. I hoped to never have to go through another one like that again; my heart couldn’t take it.

            There were some changes in the apartment in Mississippi. Chris had connected with a girl he used to know in Minnesota, and he moved back to be with her. Since Raymond was still attending Southern Mississippi, he moved in with Doug. The switch would be hard to get used to.

            I was in a bitter mood meeting Brett that first day, but for once, it was not because of him. I was 14 now, a teenager. With that came many changes. Not least of all was an emergence of hormones. I found many guys attractive. Brett Favre, I grudgingly noted as I set my eyes on him, was definitely no exception. It was hard to tell such things when he had his uniform on. I found the truth unsettling. There were too many thoughts running through my head, so I let him speak first again.

            “Princess, you look nice today,” Brett said jovially.

            That was not helpful. I glanced down, refusing to meet his eyes. “Thanks.” I had to change the subject. I knew what I was about to say was a risk, but it was needed. “Are the Packers losing their touch?”

            I risked a glance at him; he seemed unfazed. He shrugged. “Once you win the Super Bowl, the only place you can go is down. At least we were able to accomplish that much.” He smirked. “The Vikings don’t know how to finish an amazing season.”

            My head snapped up, my eyes meeting his. “We should have won that game! We were better than the Falcons!”

            “I agree,” Brett said bluntly. “That Randy Moss is sure something. I would love to play with him someday.” He shook his head. “What the Vikings need is a great quarterback who can be a strong leader. That’s all that they’re missing. Get that, and they’ll win the Super Bowl.”
            I eyed him wearily. “Don’t even think about it.”

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