The Importance of Family

Start from the beginning

Back in London visiting hours were over. Liam drove Deylia back to Bellas dad house so they could both get some sleep. Liam decided that he would stay the night with Deylia so she didn't have to be alone. Wren was able to stay after visiting hours since Bella was still a minor. He was also allowed to spend the night in Bellas hospital room. Bella fell asleep shortly after Deylia and Liam left. Wren was trying to get some sleep while Bella was sleeping. He found it hard to sleep in a hospital room because he was used to staying up all night when he worked the overnight shift.

Around 7 AM Wren woke up to his cell phone ringing. It was Melissa calling to tell him that her flight landed at London's airport. It was still early so Bella was still sleeping. Wrens brother had just started his shift for the day and would keep an eye on Bella while Wren went to go pick Melissa up. The airport was just a few miles from the hospital. Wren got a coffee to go from the hospitals cafeteria and then he was on his way to the airport. Melissa was just getting her suitcase from the baggage claim area when Wren arrived to pick her up. It would be the first time in a month and a half that they have seen each other. They hugged each other which was awkward at first. For Wren seeing his ex wife was just one step in the right direction for their family. For Melissa it was weird to see her ex husband but she knew that they needed to try and remain civil for the sake of their daughter.

"How is she?" Melissa asked

"Shes doing much better. My brother said that she should be out of the hospital by Monday if not sooner. " Wren said

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Melissa asked

"Some but I still needed coffee this morning." Wren said

"I know what you mean. I slept on a plane." Melissa said

Wren gave the rest of his coffee to Melissa. They talked for a few minutes and decided to take Melissas suitcase to Wrens house before going to see Bella. After arriving at the house they decided to stay for a little while. They had to try and talk quietly because Deylia and Liam were sleeping upstairs.

"Whose car is that in the driveway?" Melissa asked

"Liams, he must have spent the night." Wren said

"His parents were okay with that." Melissa said

"I suppose, you know Liam he hardly listens to his parents. I think he listens to me more then his own mom and dad." Wren said

"Well he looks up to you, That's a good thing." Melissa said

"Since Deylias sleeping in the guest bedroom you can either use Bellas room until she gets out or you can use my bedroom and I will just sleep on the couch. If you really want to use the guest bedroom then Deylia can sleep in Bellas room for the next week because I am sure that they won't have a problem sharing a bedroom for a few days." Wren said

"The sleeping arrangements really don't matter to me so what ever is easier for you I am okay with." Melissa said

Wren helped Melissa carry her bags upstairs. In the process they noticed that Deylia and Liam were still sound asleep in the guest bedroom.

"They must have been up late last night if they are still asleep." Melissa said

"Their teenagers, they probably watched something on the TV in that bedroom and just fell asleep." Wren said

The two of them quietly walked into the guest bedroom and realized that they had been watching TV and fell asleep with the TV still on. Melissa decided to leave her bags in Bellas room until they figured out the sleeping arrangements. Melissa and Wren went back downstairs because they didn't want to wake Deylia and Liam up.

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