Guardians Of The Night Sky

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      Myth: Shooting Stars

Izandi was the best. Or at least, those were her thoughts as she flew. She was more than “the best”, in fact she was the greatest, the most powerful in all the universe.

“I am the greatest indeed!” She said to herself, a broad grin on her face. “Who can fly like me?” She asked to no one in particular as she twirled around in the night sky. “Who can sing like me?” She sang a short but beautiful song, her voice giving chills to all of those who listened.

“Oh how I love me!” She exclaimed, again, more to herself than anyone else. She flew around, flapping her wings gently but this was all she needed to do in order to perform even the most complicated of tricks. Everyone knew she was the best flyer. How could they not? She was the most popular of all angels and definitely one of the most beautiful, with long flowing hair, soft delicate features, and captivating indigo eyes. She was really a sight to behold and she knew it.

Not thinking quite as clearly as she should have been, she carelessly bumped into the guard.

The tall guard, decorated in silver armor barely even glanced down at her.  “Return to the safe area of these skies, young girl, for beyond these boundaries lie many dangers.”

“I am not a young girl! I am well grown and I am the greatest of all time! I am not scared of any dangers that lie beyond these stupid boundaries!” She fumed

Astayre looked down towards her, his green eyes staring down into her indigo ones, “Don’t you dare try to test it, young one. Beyond these boundaries are great legends that hold the power to do things that we could not even imagine.” His voice, deep as it was, rumbled and shook her very core.

“I wouldn’t have to imagine if I could actually see it!” She whined. Izandi always got what she wanted, and in her mind this would be no exception. She was going to see what lay just across those invisible boundaries if it was last thing she did in those beautiful skies.

The guard simply looked away into endless starry skies. And dangerous it was, for the guard Astayre was right, beyond the boundaries flew many legends with the power to do things that Izandi didn’t even think possible. At least not yet, but she was about to find out just how amazing they were.

So  at that very moment Izandi flew her very fastest, and in a flash she was gone across the boundaries and into the unknown. As fast as she was, the guard didn’t even notice she was gone! Izandi flew leisurely once she was out of sight of the guard, who, by the way, was wrong. There wasn’t anything out here but darkness.

“So much for great legends.” She mumbled to herself. She was about to turn back when suddenly a strong force began pulling her in. She flapped her strong wings as fast as she could but it was no of use.

Suddenly the force stopped and all was bliss. For surrounding her were beautiful stars of colors she had never seen and beautiful melodies filled her heart with joy and peace. Of-course these melodies weren’t better than her own – she was the best of the best, after all. Until, that is, a booming voice sounded from behind her. She whirled around, surprised.

“And what are you doing here?”

“I was simply exploring. My galaxy was getting too boring…You see, fellow angel, I am known as the best in the universe. The best at singing, and flying, and I’m the most beautiful.”

The other angel snorted at her pride. What a fool she was!

“We are the seraphim, we are the highest besides The Creator. You child are most certainly not the best, that title belongs to our Maker. Don’t you know child that whoever passes the boundaries who doesn’t belong here is sentenced to a lifetime on Earth. We have no choice but to bring you there, Master’s order.” The angel, who was known to others as Aryis, was beautifully adorned will jewels and golden armor, his voice was like a song in itself and though it was something that Izandi had always told herself, she was starting to believe that maybe she was not the best of all the angels in the universe.

“In order to bring me to Earth you’d first have to catch me.” She said her voice as steady as she could get it, she might not have the best voice anymore but she might still be the best flyer.

“Is that a challenge?” The wise Aryis questioned, though he already knew the answer, for he was very wise. This young Cherub reeked of pride and as the 3rd in highest it was his duty to teach her a very valuable lesson, and he planned to do exactly that.

“What do you suppose, you old geezer?”

The wise angel smiled, oh the young and the foolish. If only she knew how much trouble she was digging herself into.

“Ten of you, come with me.” And just like that ten other hypnotically beautiful angels were at his side. “After her.”

And before she could even process his words, the angels were after her. She turned around and flew, flew as fast as her two wings could carry her. It wasn’t though had she only two wings and they had six much larger ones.

Soon, but not soon enough, Izandi felt the pulling force that meant she being zapped back into her own galaxy, The Milky Way. Compared to the one she had just seen, it was rather bland. She had no time, however, to take in the sceneries for those fast Seraphims and Aryis were still after her. She flew and flew, even as zipped past Astare who was nodding his head “no” at the scene before him. She couldn’t say that he didn’t warn her.

Aryis was flying leisurely while the young Cherub was flying her fastest. Her fastest was almost his slowest, but his plan to work he needed her to think that she could out-fly her superiors. They were closing in on Earth and soon Earth’s gravity would suck her in. She would fall to Earth and stay there for all her life. The poor thing, if only she had listened.

Izandi flew and flew, the poor old Seraphim were falling behind. She was the best flyer after all! But then it all came crashing down on her like bunch of bricks. It was a thing she knew as gravity. Without knowing it, she had flown right through Earth’s atmosphere and she was hurdling to the ground at the speed of light.

Izandi had fallen that day and though she tried to escape this planet she could not for Aryis had order the 10 Seraphim to stay in the Milky Way. For they knew her heart and knew that if giving the chance she could destroy everything that the held so close to their hearts. Every night these guards zip back and forth across the sky to prevent Izandi from coming back. They are so fast that look like fire darting across the night skies. We humans called those guardians of the sky,  shooting stars.

~The End ~

HEYYY this is my very first myth!  I hope you guys enjoyed it! It was for a Xmas project and based on the reaction i decided to post it!  So this is short story #1!


Guardians of the Night Sky: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now