Chapter 92

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Imogen had left shortly after appointing the couple and announcing it to the Institute.

After that, they went to Simon's concert to celebrate with drinks and dancing, before coming home and showing each other just how much they loved each other.

Serena was now sitting with Jace in one of the libraries, where a massive grand piano was housed. Michael - Valentine- had forced them both to learn how to play, a skill they could now never forget.

Serena had started out duetting with her brother before stopping, and just enjoying the sound of him playing as she rested her head on his shoulder.

The melody was sad, but there was a beauty in the sound, one that made Serena close her eyes and drift as she listened to her brother play it, flawlessly.

Jace often got too caught up in the emotion of the song whenever he played, always playing with his brow furrowed.

But today, today he was at peace as he played.

Enjoying the warmth of the sunlight as it streamed through the window at his back, as well as the warmth and serenity of his sister's company as she rested on his shoulder, legs curled up on the large piano bench.

"You can play this yourself you know?" he said to her with a smile as he peeked over, looking away from the keys he could play blindfolded - keys he had played blindfolded.

"I like hearing you play. And you do it better than me. Now shut up and let me enjoy it," she replied, eyes still closed as she loosely wrapped her hands around his arm, and Jace only smiled at her as he kept playing. In moments like this, he felt like her big brother, like he could protect her from everything and anything. And it was moments like this where the two of them wished they could just stay there forever, away from Valentine and all their problems.

Jace played for many minutes more but it seemed to be seconds to Serena before he came to a close and applause rang through the air.

"Bravo. I had no idea I was in the company of a virtuoso," Sebastian praised as he walked in.

"Yeah, right," Jace chuckled sarcastically as Serena nudged him with her shoulder.

"You know you are," she said with a smirk.

"No, seriously, it's extraordinary," Sebastian assured him. "I mean I wish I could play like that. And I'm assuming that you are just as talented as your twin?" he asked Serena who gave him a warm smile.

"I can carry a tune, yes."

"Not a surprise that you're a woman of many talents. Where did you learn ? I mean, who taught you?" he quizzed, and their smiles fell a little bit.

"Valentine. If you can believe that," Jace answered as he braced his arms on the piano bench and Serena's hand covered one of his.

"Ah. I guess even an evil mastermind can appreciate fine music," he said, and Serena sighed.

"Yeah, maybe a little too much," she said as she recalled how they were punished should they make a mistake while learning. "Whenever we would make a mistake, he would break the offending finger, and not delicately either. Then he would iratze our hands and have us start again. And then he made us do it blindfolded."

"Blindfolded? God, I, uh, I'm surprised you both still play," Sebastian admitted softly, clearly sorry that he brought up the topic.

"Only when the mood strikes," Jace answered as the Londoner took a seat.

"And you can't let him ruin everything," Serena added.

"Is that why you're up so early? Or do you both just, never sleep?"

"I was already up early. Alec and I are still finalising a few things as we take over as Heads of the Institute. But this one," she smirked as she rested her elbow on Jace's shoulder, the boy instantly pushing her off. "Casanova here, just got back from the Hunter's Moon. And let's just say that he wasn't there for a beer."

Sebastian chuckled at the twins. "It's that bartender, isn't it? The beautiful one?"

Serena turned to him with a smug smile as Jace's became shy.

"It's nothing serious," he promised.

"See, I thought you had a thing for Clary," Sebastian said and they both furrowed their brows.

"Clary? Why would you say that?" Jace asked.

"Well, I mean, you know... now that she's not your sister. And she's beautiful and fiery, and... what is holding you back?" he asked, and Serena wouldn't wonder if Sebastian had a thing for Clary, making a mental note to ask the girl about it later.

"Well, she has a boyfriend. She's moved on, I've moved on. It's ancient history," Jace said but no one was convinced before the redhead herself walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt but, uh, Serena, Alec wants you for the announcement. And we're all required to be in attendance," she explained, and Serena sighed as she checked the time on her phone as she got up after pecking her brother's cheek in thanks for a beautiful morning.

"By the Angel, it's already so late. Thanks, Clary," she said, patting the girls' shoulder before walking past her and out to find her husband.

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