Chapter 21

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This quote is literally meeee. You can ask @yvette20041410, she is like my partner in crime and also the sister I wish I had irl *sigh*


Over the last week, I've been staying with Max. We went to the hospital and got a proper check up, stayed home together for a few days before Max had to go back to school. I spent the most of my days just working on my musical part, studying and sleeping. And it's Friday again, but unfortunately, my parents are getting back tomorrow morning so I have to go back home.

Yay for me. Not.

As you would have guessed, i have been sleeping in every freaking day and I can't say I'm not happy about that. Though, it also means not getting to see Max when I wake up. And right now, I just woke up and am waiting for Max to facetime me like he always does around this time.

Speak of the boyfriend.

"Heyyyy!!" I say as I answer the phone.

"Hey sleepyhead! I see you still in bed?" Max says with a smile.

"Mhmmm....don wanna get upppp..." I pout.

"You have to, you can't stay in bed all day baby."

"Remind me why I can't stay in bed all day?"

"First, you need to eat breakfast and take your meds. Second, I have sent you whatever schoolwork you need to get done from your classes till now. Third, because I said so." Max said with a smirk, making me blush and smile.

"Fineeee..." I whined and huffed, giving him my best puppy eyes, hoping he would say that I can sleep in a bit longer.

"Nope. Not going to work. And I want you to get all your schoolwork done before I get home if you want to watch a movie because you are going to the activity center with Sia at six." He said, starting to walk, probably going to his next class.

"Whyyyyy?" I pouted. We usually do schoolwork together when he gets home and then cuddle and watch a movie or something in the evening. And since I'm going back to my house tomorrow, I was really really reaallllyyy looking forward to cuddling.

"Because you guys are invited to a little's birthday party."

"Do I get to have 3 slices of cake?" I narrow my eyes at him, I'm not going if I don't get enough cake.

"The maximum you are getting is one and a half slice. And you will be going there whether you want to or not because you need to socialize a bit more with the other littles in the building." Max said, using the voice and making me pout.

"Fineee..." I pout.

"I'm missing a word little girl." Max raises a single eyebrow at me. How the hell does he do that? I have tried it and I cannot, for the life of me, do that.

"Yes, daddy." I blush, hiding my face face with the sleeve of his hoodie that I stole.

"Good girl. Now get up and get ready, I'm going to class. Love you baby." He sends a flying kiss, just like everyday.

"Love you moree!" I send a flying kiss back before he ends the call.

I pull myself out of our bed as slowly as possible and go to get my morning routine started. I shower, brush my teeth and then go to the kitchen for breakfast. As expected, there is a plate of pancakes on the counter, a bowl of fruit and a sippy of milk in the fridge. Max has been making me drink 2 sippies of milk a day even though I hate milk. At least he compromised on letting me have flavored milk once a day. It's plain milk right now, making me pout.

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