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Author's Note: So as LP9 is coming close and it's space-themed, I told to myself "why not rewriting an old fanfic (that is not even completed?)". I've had this intended to be done a long time ago, yet being on other stuff (and fandom as some of you may know) kept me away from doing it. I'll go back to memory (and cringe) lane for the sake of this project.

By the time you read this, I'll (hopefully) be a couple of chapters ahead (again, hopefully).


We were just about to lose our home
Diamonds ate the radio
Moving in the dead of night...

A L I E N S – Coldplay


November 11th, 2017
Somewhere in the Patagonia
Patagonia, Argentina, South America

The night was mostly clear above the large landscape of the Argentine Patagonia (asides of some random clouds passing by), with the stars reflected on the lakes of the large southern region; some owls, bats and other nocturne animals could be heard humming and moving across the silent – even sacred land (for them). At that point, nearly all human activity ceased asides of some pub with drunk people enjoying in a distant town, while everybody else rested for the mundane activities of the next day. One or two people randomly walked down the streets already wasted towards either their homes or hotel rooms while another couple weren't...

And only these people witnessed how high in the sky something entered violently in the atmosphere of the planet in a dangerous degree to the ground that could cause a severe damage to anything in a ratio of a few kilometres. These people were staring at the thing but without being sure of what it actually was, the very few ones who were in a... normal condition (?) saw what looked like a spaceship that got partly caught on fire with some parts getting detached from the sides until those got ripped away, falling to the ground in parts kilometres away from their location, probably somewhere in the middle of the fields or some unlucky home.

Far away in the distance an egg-shaped ship with a pointy (and severely damaged) nose finally crash-landed violently against the ground, leaving a long trail of destruction before it braked against a huge boulder that cracked and let some debris fall against the hard, metallic, steaming exterior leaving some dents on it; the tail that previously was on fire turned off after hitting the earth. Clearly the apparent forced-landing was mildly unsuccessful, yet it could been much worse than that.

Asides of the steaming sound of the metal cooling down, there was a brief silence for a few minutes until the sounds of loud bangs could be heard from where the door was: the borders at the exterior of the door seemed to be melted, as if somebody sealed it with people inside, the bangs became louder each time until it started to crack open; a couple of minutes later it was blown away as a lot of steam came out of the inside with the sounds of people panting tiredly.

From the inside came out this tall person-looking being using a couple of strange-looking yet heavy gauntlets –it had two yellow orbs on each hand: one at the back of the hands and another below at the height of the forearm plus one more on the palms– that seemed to be highly technological; the outfit was kind of strange: it was a mix of a black spandex on the arms and legs with a round-shaped shoulder protector made of a hard material while the zone of his torso had a resemblance to a Victorian military uniform: the head was nearly bald with some hair at the top, leaving a large space between his forehead and the hair that had a light brown-ish colour, hazel eyes and a fluffy beard.

Behind came out somebody else, a bit shorter with a similar outfit minus the gauntlets, instead using a couple of white gloves, a red uniform instead of purple with a green hand badge stitched on the left arm; short black hair, brown eyes and pale skin. The third person-looking being was probably the tallest, being green the colour of the uniform along the eyes and a mate-green hat that showed bits of a strawberry blond short hair. Then a last one came out, the second tallest person of the crash-landed crew: sky blue uniform, icy blue eyes and blond, short and curly hair with a cape attached to the shoulders.

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