Letter Two

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Dearest Sally,

When my mother handed me your letter this afternoon I was beyond happy; I did not expect you to write back so soon, to be honest, I did not expect you to write back at all but I'm glad that you did.

I must say your penmanship is one of the best I've ever seen (Penmanship is the last word I learned in school before the summer holiday and using it makes me feel like a grown-up).

Thank you for telling me not to run away I don't think I would've anyways, I'm not that brave. I'm glad that you're okay and I hope your summer will be great.

What plans do you have? Or are you stuck in summer school as well?

Summer school is boring and I honestly don't see the point of attending. Today I asked my teacher why is it that we have to go to school during the summer holidays, I asked if the summer holidays weren't a way of allowing us to rest and prepare for the school year to come and she said "young Theodore Lancashire, I'm afraid you're a little too smart for my liking"

I still don't think that was a smart thing to say, I mean it's common sense. We go to school basically every day we get little breaks here and there but the ultimate holiday is the summer holiday. We get eight short weeks -sometimes nine- to rest ourselves, we get to sleep in late (well I don't because I have chores but the other kids do), we get to play and run down to the lake, we get to stay up late and we get to go firefly hunting in the night time (on nights that we aren't completely consumed by the sky that is). In the summer we should be free, we should get to do whatever we want, but teachers -like the vultures they are- feel like it is right to keep us in school even during our summer nights.

I wonder, do they not have lives?

Anyways, as boring as school is I think I made some friends. Three kids -a girl and two boys- approached me during lunch earlier this week; they're new here, just moved into the house two houses across the street from mine with their aunt and mother. Their names are Amanda, Joseph, and Liam; they're eight, ten, and eleven respectively. Joseph is really small -he's about a head or two shorter than me- and he has light brown eyes that seem to dance in the sunlight; he has light brown skin and a full head of overgrown brown hair; Liam is the same as his brother, the only difference being his height -he is probably four heads taller than both Joseph and me combined- I think he's a little too tall for his age but maybe that's just me.

Amanda is of the same complexion but she is as pretty as a flower; she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. She hugged me -she's a hugger- and I think I fell in love -though I don't know what it is-. She smells like summer; she smells like the ocean, the wind, the flowers, and the trees; she smells exactly how summer feels.

She has a dimple on her left cheek that is really cute. Her voice is velvet smooth and it's something I would listen to on all my afternoons. Her hair is long and curly and it's the darkest shade of black I've ever seen. Her eyes are like magic, I've never seen eyes like that before; they are brown but they are also gold and they have little touches of green in them too. When I looked into them, I couldn't help myself so I asked her to marry me and she laughed at me -though I should've been embarrassed her little giggles were the most amazing thing I've ever heard-

She simply looked at me and said "silly Theodore that's not how it works, you have to get me flowers and ask me to be your girlfriend first". I think we'll be together forever and we'll have a house on a hill and we'll do that special hug my parents told me and Thea about and we'll have little children of our own.

I don't feel like a lone wolf anymore, I think God read that letter I sent to you before the mailman got it and he sent me my own pack of wolves to run with. We -Amanda, Joseph, Liam and I- went to the river after summer school last afternoon, we swam and we danced and we had a lot of fun. We went star watching the night before that then just last night we went firefly hunting -we didn't catch anything but the chase was great- and tonight we're going to firefly lane.

Kids aren't allowed up there, they say if you go up there after midnight you can see the devil. I've always wanted to go up there because I know the devil is in hell so there is no way he could be walking around firefly lane after midnight; but I never got to because Thea has always been afraid -I'm sure she has told you about this place- and she threatened to tell mom and dad if I snuck out and I know she would so I just stayed home.

My new friends aren't afraid though, they're actually excited they can't wait to see who this "devil" is that the entire town is afraid of.

I don't live in hell so I know there is no devil there but just in case he is there and I don't make it back tell God I said I'm sorry, I knew I should not have been there. But not because I went to see this so-called devil means that I want to join him in hell; tell God I will always want to be with Him because He is my creator and I want to be wherever He is.

If I do see this so-called devil and I make it back I promise to give you a detailed description of his face so you can avoid him always.

Bye for now, I have to go; I hope you like the burnet rose I sent with this letter; I came to get flowers for Amanda and I saw the roses and thought of you.

Until next time,


P.S. Do you plan on getting married too?


a/n: I don't know if this is how kids think but I do know they always want to get married. 

Anyways thank you for reading❤️

P.S. Hazel eyes are absolutely stunning, they're best eyes in my opinion.

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