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The next day, Yezun comes and hugs Shen Wei "What is it? Are you okay?" Shen Wei asks while caressing his hairs and Yezun pouts..


"What about you and Yunlan?" Shen Wei asks and Yezun sits back on the chair "He isn't take me serious!.."

Wei smiles and sits beside his dear brother "How do you win his heart with these childish actions?.. (Yezun silently looks at his face) Plan something big.. some romantic plan!"

Yunlan comes while talking on his phone and stands outside the room.. Both twins look at him and smile then Shen Wei looks at Yezun.. "I have a plan"

Later at night, at the backside of the house Wang grabs Yunlan's hand and drags him there, Yunlan gets happy seeing the beautiful arrangements.. Wang runs back and stands with her husband while smiling..

The trees were decorated with colorful lights and some musicians were sitting aside.. and most importantly, which delights Yunlan more is Shen Wei who was standing there with a wide smile..

Yunlan smiles wide looking at Shen Wei and his heartbeats quicken.. Yunlan walks closer to him happily but when he reach nearer, Shen Wei steps aside and Yezun was standing there in front of Yunlan..

Sang signals the musicians and they start playing soft and slow music.. Shen Wei smiles standing aside and signs Yezun to proceed.. Yunlan was not smiling anymore.. Yezun steps closer to him.. He giggles nervously and extends his hand in front of Yunlan to give him the beautiful flower

"Sorry, I am getting nervous"

Yunlan takes the flower from his hand and smiles slightly.. Shen Wei looks to the other side "The time I see you I feel that only you can complete me.. You make me a better man!.."

Yunlan's eyes get moist and Yezun sits in front of him bending his knee in proposal style.. He takes out a ring from his pocket and extends it towards Yunlan

"Mr. Zhao Yunlan! Will you marry me?"

Yunlan didn't know what to say, he was just looking at Yezun and the ring.. Yezun was smiling and Wang was so excited "Say yes..... say yes!" She was mumbling standing aside with happiness..

"Marriage?... Th..this is a very big commitment, Yezun.. I am truly touched by all of this.. I really am.. I value your friendship.. I really do.. (Yezun's slowly stop smiling) You hold a very special place in my life..... That's why I don't want that.. this thing will affect our friendship"

Yunlan was very polite and hesitant while speaking slowly... Yezun pulled his hand back and stands.. Shen Wei worriedly looks at his brother then at Yunlan..

"I don't know how to deal with it...." Yunlan was still worried and tears drop from his eyes.. "But I love you, Yunlan"

"I... Look, I really like you but..... "

"But like a friend.. (Yezun laughs sadly and slightly with moist eyes) Got it!.." Yezun steps back while closing the ring box and he cries.... "I am sorry" Yunlan was also feeling so bad

Yunlan steps closer and hugs Yezun tightly "You deserve all the happiness of the world, Yezun.. But your that happiness isn't attached with me"

Yunlan broke the hug and walks back but Yezun calls him back "Yunlan? Is this the only reason?"

Yunlan turns back and looks down then he turned his eyes at Shen Wei.. Yezun did the same and looks at Shen Wei.. Both stare at him and Shen Wei looks down quickly.. Yunlan runs away and Yezun closes his eyes while clenching his fists

He understands the whole situation and cries standing there.. Shen Wei didn't dare to come closer to him but Wang runs to him "I am okay!.. I am okay" Yezun wipes his eyes and was feeling so angry and mad at his dear Shen Wei Ge..

𝓑𝓔𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔𝓓 (𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉)Where stories live. Discover now