So cold (Special ending)

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ok so I really didn't know what ending I wanted to do for this story. So I did both! and this ending will probably lead to a Third book if the second Sonic movie(coming out 2022) is good. This chapter starts from the fight scene from the last chapter so everything's the same except for the ending. Also sorry this chapter is short :(
Thank you for reading my book!

Things were quiet and Maddie spoke "Tom" she said looking at Tom then back at Sonic who was laying motionless on the ground.

"Not to sound insensitive but someone should probably put him on some ice, ya know to keep the body fresh" Ivo saud

I looked back at him in anger "what?! He was an alien! he didn't belong here!"

"That little alien knew more about being human then you ever will, this was his home, and he was my friend" Tom said standing up with the help of Maddie

Blue lightning started to shoot out of Sonic among the blue smoke stood Sonic, his eyes glowed a neon blue color, the same as the lightning.

"He's all yours" Tom said as him and Maddie ran out of the way to the opposite side of the street.

I stepped back onto the side walk.

"I think you have something that belongs to me" Sonic said, his blue lightning grabbing a hold of Ivo's ship.

Sonics lightning retracted back to him as he said "this is my power and I'm not going to use it to run away anymore I'm going to protect my friends"

Ivo put on his goggles and smile evilly but all I could think about was when he showed up on my door, his soft pathetic, worried smile. But I was quickly pulled from my thoughts when Sonic bounced off his ship.

Sonic began jumping off the walls of buildings and slamming himself into Ivo's ship, cracking the glass shield.

Sonic flew back and looked at Ivo's "guess what Eggman I'm not leaving Earth! you are!"

He looked at Tom, Tom nodded back at him, picking sonics bag of rigs and tossing one behind Ivo's ship. A portal opened and large mushrooms could be seen.

I felt like I needed to do something.

Sonic ran at Ivo's ship and Ivo charged at Sonic.

Sonic was a neon blue ball of electricity, he collided with the front of Ivo's ship and it felt like slow motion

"Ivo!" I screamed as pieces of metal and glass shot out from his ship and pushed him back into the portal.

Ivo flew back into the mushroom looking world and I ran towards the portal.

I lunged myself forward, he wasn't leaving me again! Not this time!

But I was to late.

I flew through the shimmering dust as the portal deteriorated. I hit the ground, small bits of broken glass protruded out of my legs.

"NO!" I shouted slamming my hands against the pavement as everyone celebrated the the 'villain' was gone now.

The crowds dissipated and all that was left was me and Sonic. I looked back at him, tears running down my cheeks, my face was hot and red with anger

"(Y/n) I'm sorry but it was for the best for everyone" yeah the best for everyone but me!

"What about me" I sounded hurt and broken.

"Give me one of the rings so I can go with him! Please Sonic"

Sonic was quiet, I bet I looked so pathetic. "I can't do that" he said

I stood, small streams of blood ran down my legs.

My lip quivered "please Sonic"

He shook his head

I sighed "then can you at least give me one so I could go home?!" I was frustrated and upset and so fucking hurt.

Sonic pulled a small gold ring from his pouch "(y/n)'s house" he said and threw the ring.

The portal opens and I could see my house, the grass still flattened in the front yard from where Ivo's ship was.

I looked back at Sonic but I didn't have anything to say so I walked through the portal and thought about revenge.

Once through the portal it was like I was never even there. The light from the gold ring was gone and I was alone in the dark.

I walked carefully to my front door and pulled out the hidden key I keep under the porch furniture.

I walked inside my house and Ivo's smell lingered.

I took in a deep breath trying to hold back tears.

Until I looked at my couch, Ivo's jacket and wallet still sat where he left them.

I picked up his coat and took in a deep smell and it smelled like home and picnics and our day at the lake and him.

I threw the coat over my shoulder and picked up his wallet.

I opens it and inside was a picture of me, I laughed through my tears and began looking through his things, the only picture of I had of him was on his ID.

There was also 3 cards and about 2000 cash and a small piece of paper that was folded up behind a credit card.

"my love, (y/n)

If anything ever should Happen to me please call agent stone at

I love you more then I can breathe


I put the paper back into the wallet, Ill call him Tomorrow, tonight I want to just sleep.

I set Ivo's wallet back down on the table except for his ID

I dragged my heavy body up to my room and set his jacket and ID on my bed and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I was covered in sweat, blood and hay.

After taking a long at shower I found my way back to my room. I took his ID and propped it up against a candle I had on my bedside table.

I slipped under my covers and held Ivo's coat close to my face and chest.

I breathed deep, the smell for him still coming off his jacket.

I looked up at his ID and wept.

"Good night, Ivo" I whispered falling into a deep grief filled sleep.

Edit from 4/22/22: no 3rd book sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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