light of my life (final chapter)

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I am so sorry (y/n) is so fucking stupid in the end😭😭 like I wanna beat her ass and I made the bitch 😔✌️

"(Y/n)" ivo whispered

"Wake up my love" he said again kissing my cheek

I opened my eyes and looked up at him, he was leaning over me, it was still dark in my room but I could see he was fully dressed.

I glanced over at my clock 5:58 am, I sighed "it's early" I said looking back up at him. He laughed softly "I know" he kisses me again "we have to leave soon, I made you breakfast"

I nodded and stretched "can I eat like this?" I asked not really wanting to change into real clothes just yet

Ivo nodded and I motioned for him to pick me up. "Carry me" I said reaching my arms out for him.

He rolled his eyes, a small smirk on his face. Ivo leaned over me, one arm going under my knees and the other going behind my back. He lifted me like I didn't weigh anything at all.

I rested my tired head on his chest, his heart was beating fast.

We reached the table by the kitchen and he set me down into my already pulled out chair. Ivo kissed my forehead and grabbed a pre made (bowl/plate) of (breakfast food)

I smiled at the (bowl/plate) then back up at Ivo who was already taking his food to the seat across from me.

We ate quietly, but it was a good quiet, like a comforting silence.

Growing more tired as I ate I rested my head on my hand. "Are you tired?" Ivo asked

I nodded

"If you want after breakfast I can, wake you up a little more~"he said I hint of seduction in his voice.

I suppressed a smiled and looked up at him, my eyebrows raised "oh?"

He didn't looked at me and continued eating "mhm" was all he said.

After we were finished eating. we both cleaned ourselves up and Ivo took my suitcase and backpack out to the plane.

It was actually quite spacious for something so small looking.

After getting into appropriate clothes for flying he helped me into the back seat of the plane.

"Are you scared?" Ivo asked putting a black helmet with goggles onto my head.

I nodded "a little"

He smiled and slipped his red goggles onto his head "don't be" he took my hand in his "you're in good hands" ivo smiled and then kissed me quick.

I smiled back as he pulled away. I sat in the back seat and he buckled me in and got into his seat in front of mine.

In all honesty I was nervous I mean who wouldn't be? But I have to think that Ivo has the highest intelligence of anyone on earth.

The glass lid shut over to us and I tried to steady my breathing. The plane lifted off the ground and straight into the air, we didn't even have to get a running start like other planes.

Soon we're were hundreds of feet in the air, I could feel my ears pop, trying to adjust to being this high up.

"You still ok?" Ivo asked

I took a deep breath "yeah I'm ok"

I could hear him snicker "don't puke on me please"

I rolled my eyes "I'm not going to puke"

'Yet..' I thought

'"well be there in about maybe 50 minutes to an hour" Ivo's said

I glanced over at the ground below up, it moved quickly and we were already so far away from my house.

Exist for Love.   A Dr Robotnik x reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें