What Should I Do?

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TW: Mention of s*i@c*
"I knew you would say that, you could never say no to my handsome face."

"Yea sure." I laughed, Nagito laughed with me. Us laughing together, enjoying our present together. Being together, this all is just a dream come true. We get to be together, and nothing is going to separate us. We will be together forever, I love him so much. Thank you so much Nagito. You have changed my life completely, in the most perfect way possible.

Nagito POV
Hajime, I never want us to separate again. I know I probably sound so selfish in my mind, but the fact that you have come back to me. It just makes me so happy, and I don't want this happiness to end. I want you to stay with me, in this void forever. I don't want you to leave like how I had to leave you. Hajime, you better say yes to what I'm about to ask you.

Back to Hajime

"Hajime... Stay with me, In this void." Huh?...What? Stay in this void? I can't do that.. I have a life outside, there are still people who need me out there. But Nagito, I still want to be with him. Wait, can't he just come back with me? No.. He can't because.. He's dead. He can't leave this place, he's stuck here forever. What am I going to tell him? I can't leave him, but it's an idea I might have to accept. What am I going to do?

"Hajime? You want to stay with me right?! You're not thinking about leaving me here?!
Was this a joke to you?!" Nagito.. What has got into him? I haven't even said anything.. Wait maybe that's the problem, he thinks I'm going to leave him.. That might happen, god I need to speak up before he goes even more mad.

"Nagito, calm down. There's no reason to yell." As soon as I finished speaking Nagito gripped on the side of my arms, and the grip.. It was tight.

"I'm not yelling, Hajime. Why would I ever yell at you? I already know the answer." He does? I don't even ha-.

"You are going to stay, there's no doubt about it. You'll be with me forever. And then we can re start our own life together."

What does he mean re start? Has he forgotten that I'm alive.. And he's not..

"Please, you have to tell me I'm right!!" Nagito...What am I supposed to tell you? I really don't want to make you feel alone, but the life I still have out there. It's also still really important to me. Tears began to form in my eyes, as I looked up at Nagito who seemed so disappointed in me. What am I going to do..?

"Pathetic." He looked down at me, he looked so ashamed. Like I have taken everything away from him. I don't want to leave him!! I DON'T!! Why can't I speak up?! Speak up!! He's going to leave you forever!! Talk to him!! Talk to him now!! An action!? I'm trying, well I did try... I hugged Nagito holding him tightly. Crying in his chest.

Nagito... He isn't holding me back.., "Do you see yourself right now? You're like a little puppy scared about his owner abandoning him. Hajime don't act like you do want me. This was all just a joke to you. You're not the one leaving. I am." And that was all he left on me, guilt, anxiety, anger. As he faded away into nothing.

 It's like his existence was never even present.. Never present, even when in my arms. Nagito was gone, and I am all alone in a place so dark. So cold... He was my warmth, my happiness, all gone into thin air. W-What's happening?! Why does it feel like I can't breath?! It hurts, this stigma of pain going all around my body. Please just leave me alone!!! My head, my mind, it all is just taking over me. Like I have nothing to feel.

 I thought I loved him, but I couldn't even tell him I would stay with him. He hates me now. And I'm stuck here, all alone again.. Like I was before this, all alone. Stuck in my head, wishing I didn't wake up the next day, screaming each day, waiting for this pain and horror to be over.. I just want to be okay, why do I make things worse for myself and others. I loved him didn't I? I did!! And I still do!!! Why am I asking myself this?!

I need him to come back to me.. Or I'm not going to make it... 

I have no clue what I just wrote but sadness.. I am so sorry about this chapter.
 But I hope you guys liked it!

 Please tell me in the comments how you guys felt about this chapter! I really would like to hear how you guys felt about it!

Thank you for reading! I hope you guys have a great day! Mwah! <3 

Artist: I could't find a name for the artist only just a title, I'm sorry-

Tik tok: livi_kawii67
Insta: theyluv_livi  

A World With Him || Hajime x NagitoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora