He's Here With Me..

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"Nagito.. Are you upset with me?" I sighed, I shouldn't be asking him this. It will probably wreck this whole inter reunion.

"Huh? Why would I be upset with you? Hajime I'm happy that you're here with me." He gave his usual smile. Damn, when he smiles my heart aches. What is this feeling? I'll just ignore it and answer him.

"I'm also very happy to be here with you Nagito, I've mis-." I-, I should stop talking. He might think weird things. Ngaito grinned, oh no.

"Were you going to say you missed me~?" He asked in a cheeky tone. A hue of red would be appearing on my face. I could feel myself burning up, I noticed that he was walking closer to me and then stopped.

"N-No, you're just hearing things!" I exclaimed. He's going to deny it, I'm in a bad situation. And also, why do I keep stuttering? This guy is going to be the death of me.

"Oh really? How come you're so red?" His grin slowly became a smirk. That smirk... it always gets me going and I don't know why!! He makes my head so confused, I don't understand him sometimes. So confusing..

"S-Shut up!" God, I sound like a little girl with a bad attitude. Sigh. I look up at Nagito, and I see him walking closer to me, what is with him and walking so much.
"Just stay where you are!!" Hajime barked out, putting his hand up blocking Nagito's face. He stood like that for a moment or two.

"But I just want a hug?... Hm, I can't even have that?" Well if you put it like that I sound like a jerk.. A hug... from Nagito. I've missed his touch. Wait what!? Jeez.. I'm going crazy.. Why am I saying things like this? Nagito was staring blankly at me basically hugging me with his eyes at that point. So strange.

"Hajimeeeee, I want a hug!!" I chuckled a bit, he's so cute when he acts like this. He's like a little kid. So cute.. My head trailed out of thought thinking about something that appeared in my mind, I turned a shade of pink. The hell!? Why is my mind thinking about.. About kissing.. Kissing Nagito?

"Hajime stop ignoring me!!" Nagito yelled.

"Oh sorry, my head is just... Messed up." I feel bad for lying, but how could I tell him that I was thinking about kissing him? I really am a mess. Is it because I haven't seen him so long? And that's why? God, this is all just too much. Nagito... What do you think about me?"Oh, is everything okay? Do I overwhelm you, does the spear overwhelm you?" Am I making him insecure now!? Oh god, I need to fix this!!"Nagito, get over here. Give me a hug." I slowly let out my arms, and Nagito's face lit up right away. It's so silly how his emotions change so easily by giving something he wants. But then again, I can act like that too. Nagito ran in his arms and hugged him tightly. His touch, it clings on to me. He feels warm. Even if he is dead, strange.. And when he touched my skin, I got butterflies in my stomach. That's when I realized..., I am In love with Nagito.... Nagito Komaeda..


                          This is the second part I hope you like it! Again I am still writing another story so  be
patient with me! I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening/nightt! AND YOU ALL ARE          


Insta: theyluv_livi
Tik Tok: livis_cozs 
Artist: I'm sorry I could fine the name, if you know who made it put it down in the comments! 

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