What's the matter?

19 1 0

------ on homeworld ------

A beam of light shone from the warp pad as the two entered somewhere they hadn't been for YEARS, homeworld. 

"Peridot! This is so exciting! AREN'T YOU EXCITED!" 


"Peridot... are you okay?" Amethyst asked concerned.

"It's fine lets just keep moving!" Peridot said trying to pull amethyst by her hand.

"Dude! You gotta tell me what's wrong! Come on.." Amethyst said, "Pleaseeeeee...."

"OKAY! The truth is... Normally there's always... side effects..." Peridot said trying to explain how she felt about this.

"Side effects?" 

"Well, on homeworld when something big, new and exciting comes out something ALWAYS goes wrong. Much like how the camp pining hearts reboot went extremely wrong, the story line was so-" 

Amethyst raised an eyebrow and stared at peridot.

"Ah yes, sorry! Like I was saying, when there's a new invention on homeworld there's always normally side effects, a few thousand years ago they came up with a way to resurrect gems broken into fragments due to the gem war, but, a few minutes after being ressurrected the gems poofed for an extremely long time, weeks! Months even! One didn't even reform.. The point is... I'm scared..." 

"P-peridot... I didn't know.. I'm sorry..." Amethyst sadly replied wrapping her arm around peri's shoulder.

"I-it's alright... Anyway, let's go to the power giver!"

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