Nosh/larinas- Wedding 3

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Sabina narrating:

I'm on the side of the woman in my life.  While she is getting married.  She smiles from ear to ear.  She may be happy that she is going to marry whom she has always dreamed of.

Sigh.  I look ahead.  Noah, Noah, Noah.  You're with Noah, you can't do that to him.  Always remember Noah.

A- angel, are you all right?

Deep breath.  The driver listened to loud music in the front seat of the limo, he would never listen.

S- Any, can I do something?

A- It depends on what you want to do?

S- just say you forgive me ...

I bow my head and approach her.

A- What body do we have to hide after the wedding?

I look at her and smile.  She smiles back.  I love to see her smile.  Her body.  Her caramel eyes.  Her curly hair.

S- sorry about that ...

I put our lips together.  The bouquet that was in her lap stops on the bench in two seconds.  Her tongue asked for passage and I early, almost climbing on her lap.  We stopped the kiss.  She looks at me startled and I smile.

S- you hate me now, right?

A- no, you did just what I wanted to do for a while.  But it doesn't matter now.  I'm going to get married.  This is what I feel and feel is just a phase.

She speaks fast.  But my heart is breaking little by little.  Piece by piece.  It hurt to hear.

Thank you.  I think I am even more sure of my decision now.

She says it would be.  I lower my head.

S- sorry ...

A- Don't be sorry.  You did nothing wrong.  It just gave me a certainty.  Thank you.

She hates me now.  I'm sure of it.

As soon as we arrive at the place, a very beautiful beach, they explain what will happen, I get ready and I intertwine my arm with Noah's.

S- I have to tell you something!

N- I also!

S- is it what I'm thinking about?


He had already talked about his feelings for Josh to me, just as I talked about my feelings to anybody.  Yeah, two bi disappointed.  At least we would have each other.

S- Josh?

He nods.  The music starts to play.

N- any?

I took a step.  I nod and enter the church.

Josh narrating:

I can not.  I need him.  That would be unfair to Any.  I can not.  I need to talk.

The groom's music starts to play.

I can not.  I love him.  Only him.  He already has my heart

My mother intertwined her arm with mine.  She smiled.  I smile back.

Deep breath.  Josh, you're getting married.

The doors open and I don't see the people, but him.

I come in.  People get up and applaud.

My eyes focus on him.  He could be at the altar waiting for me, right?

I reach the altar.

The bride's music begins.

She enters.  She was stunning in her white dress.  But I can not.  It's him.

One Shots- Now United- English versionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن