Chapter 22 - Plush

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Bells rung in loud bangs after the giant hammer swung down, a stuffed animal being handed to the girl. Flashing colourful lights illuminated the boardwalk as the sun set beyond the horizon, neon contrasting the softer rays of orange and pink. Coaster-carts flurried by along tracks above-head, a carousel in an endless loop of repetition.

"Where to first?" You ask Peter who's eyes were wide in excitement.

"Shooting gallery," he points out, dragging everyone over as Tony pays for a bunch of games.

"Hey, Loser," MJ greets, the boy turning to the side, the only other seat filled.

"MJ! What are you doing here?" he fixes his hair quickly as you hold back a laugh.

"Got bored," she leans forward with her gun and shoots again, missing easily. "That's the last of my money, until next time, Mr Penguin," she salutes at the stuffed animal hung up as the stall attendant laughs tauntingly.

"Go on, Peter," Loki nudges the boy who pales. "Win the prize and give it to her,"

"Yeah, okay," he breathes in, watching MJ walk to a milk bottle game and further away. "No pressure," lifting the gun, he took a breath and shot until all targets were hit, using up all of his rounds.

"Whatever," the attendant shoved the toy to the boy who quickly ran off after MJ.

"Damn, that's smooth, Parker," you watch him interact with the girl by the cotton candy stall, buying her one as well. "I'll get you," the team laughs as you point threateningly at a black cat plush which looked more like a stuffed circle with ears and moon crescent eyes.

"Good luck,"

Aiming as precisely as possible, your first rounds were shot with no avail. "What the fuck?"

"We knew you were bad at aiming but Jesus Christ, dude," Sam laughs, patting your shoulder after you got another set over with.

"Better luck next time," Cap pats your back.

"I love how supportive you all are," glaring directly at them, you ditch the game. "Whatever, not even that cute,"

"Come on, Inky, let's get on with it," Tony ruffles your hair as Loki eyes the animal, sending a clone to grab the toy and slip away quickly. Moving along to the bell ring, Thor was first up-and the last to use it since the game broke when he smacked the hammer down.

The team laughed their heads off as Tony dealt with it whereas Loki rolled his eyes, tapping your shoulder with the toy in hand. "You wanted this?"

"What the... Loki, did you steal this??" you snatched the toy and drag him away a bit, Avengers looking to the side with smirks.

"Borrowed permanently," he shrugs.

"That's stealing with extra steps, dumb-ass," you smack his head. "I mean you can't just go stealing things out in the open,"

"Did you want me to return it?"

"No!" hugging the animal tightly with your face squished against the fabric, Loki smiled, a proud flutter in his heart. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome," he relaxed his features, moving sight up to see the team smirking.


TW (just in case): Vomiting

Loki comfortingly pats Thor's back as he scowls at the smell of hurled up lunch. "That's it, let it all out,"

"I'm alright-" more vomit left Thor's mouth into the toilet as Loki took it upon himself to conjured a black mask lined with mint essential oil to block off the smell.

"Yes, of course," Loki looked out the stall. "I'll be-" Another gag and spew made Loki hold his stomach. "I'll be back," he hurries out. "I would rather die than go back in there,"

"Yeah, well, none of us will do it," Tony stuffs a fluff of fairy floss into his mouth, walking up to Clint who was passed out on the floor next to a trash can. "Get up, Barton, stop being dramatic, it was a roller coaster,"

Loki collapses on the bench while you occupied yourself with your phone. "How's Blondie?"

"Hopefully not dead," his head rolled backwards, exhausted from the day.

"Hopefully not? That's an improvement," you lean onto him, lifting the phone up to show a small video of a small crown being placed on a snake. "It's you,"

"I'm not a snake,"

"According to Thor you turned into one to stab him, so... you are snake," poking his nose lightly, you watch him scrunch it up before raising a brow.

"What was that?"

"That was a..." you poke your nose this time, "boop,"

"It's stupid..." he scoffs. "Do it again,"

Your grin widened before laughing, raising the cat plush's tiny paws and poking his nose. "Boop, boop, boop,"

"Thank you for that childish gesture," he huffs proudly, the last poke landing. "Are you hungry?"

"A little," you reply back, watching Bruce and Nat share a milkshake near the end of the board walk.

"Come on," he took your hand softly and walked you away.


At this point idk what reaction pics I've put

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At this point idk what reaction pics I've put

- Anna ❤️

Enemies: Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now