21-Haven't Had Enough

Start from the beginning

"Fuck" he breathed against me, then did the strangest thing with his tongue.


I don't know how long we rolled around, making out like our lives depended on it but I certainly wasn't complaining. My lips sort of we're though; they weren't used to getting action, but I didn't care. Finally, I pulled up for air.

"I'm gonna go um, film some confessionals," I stuttered and stood up from the floor. I needed to take a break, despite the fact that my body was telling me to never ever stop.

"Okay," he breathed and nodded.

I walked into the confessionals booth, trying to keep my feet from swaying but Bentley had literally knocked the balance right out of me. I eventually made it into the little room and turned on the camera. I sat down and tried to convey into words how I felt right now but all I could do was sit there and breathe heavily.

Had that really happened?

Suddenly, the door flew open. I whipped my head around and saw Bentley standing there, a crazed look in his eyes.

He shook his head at me. "No you're not," he said then fast walked over to me and pushed me down again.

And by the way, I was totally cool with it.

We were kissing again, when Chris came over the intercom. "Contestants, filming starts in twenty minutes. Please be ready by then."

I pulled away from Bentley, my eyes widened. "We have to stop then," I said.

He nodded. "Well, yeah, I guess. But isn't Bryson the only other person in the house right now? And he likes to take his sweet time."

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right," I said, then put my lips back on his. I should've argued, because less then a minute later, Bryson walked in. Bentley and I immediately separated, and stood up from the floor. I tried fixing the rats nest that was probably my hair, but judging from the look on Bryson's face, it was a little too late for that.

"Hey," he said, drawing out the vowel. He had a knowing smile on his face. A very annoying one. Then he looked at me. "I knew you'd move on eventually."

"No-just- okay look," I said, flustered. "You can't- I don't-"

"We don't wanna tell anyone," Bentley said, finishing off my train wreck. Then he looked at me. "Or I don't want to tell anyone?"

"We don't wanna tell anyone," I confirmed, then looked back at Bryson pleadingly. "Besides-"

He held up his hand. "Say no more. You guys are young and hormonal, and you're just looking for a little fun, I get it. Ah, to be a kid again."

"Why are you acting like that?" I asked, giving him what I hoped was the "you're crazy look".

"Yeah, we aren't teenagers, and you aren't even that much older than us," Bentley continued.

I turned to him. "Well, actually I'm nineteen," I told him.

He cocked his head to the side. "Really? Wow, I'm twenty-one in a week."

"Really?" I said, smiling. "We should throw you a party!"

"Well, anyways!" Bryson interrupted. "If you guys don't want anyone to know you should probably leave. Didn't you hear Chris?"

"Well, yeah, we just didn't think you would come so soon," I mumbled, then shook my head. I turned back to Bentley. "Alright, well, I guess I'll see you soon."

He gave me a little half-smile and stepped closer. "I guess so."

I began to back away, then changed my mind and kissed him again. It was supposed to be a small little goodbye kiss, but he really didn't give me a chance for that.

"Alright! Alright! Stop it!" Bryson shouted, and physically pulled me off of the (gorgeous) man in front of me. "You guys are animals."

I scoffed. "You're one to talk," I said, then pushed past him. "But fine, I'll leave."

"Good," Bryson said, then turned to Bentley. "Women," he said, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes and made my way up the stairs. Normally, I wouldn't care much how I looked for the taping of the show, but considering that I had just made out with a guy... wow. I had just made out with a guy. How cool was that? Since I got on the show, I had technically kissed three boys.

"Hmm," I muttered at the thought. "I'll put a positive spin on that."

"Are you talking to yourself?"

I jumped. It was Sage. "Hey. When did you get home?"

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Did you not just hear the door open?" He asked, pointing at the entrance that was right behind him.

"Oh, uh, I'm a little out of it," I said. I was looking down at my feet every so often, and I couldn't really bring myself to look in his eyes. I had a very strange feeling in my stomach.

"Okay, then," he said. "I'm gonna go downstairs."

I nodded (at the floor). "Alright, I'll meet you there." I didn't give him a chance to say anything else, as I then dashed up the stairs.

I did not like that feeling. Maybe I should just stop this thing I had going with Bentley. I mean, obviously I still had feelings for Sage, and Bentley still had to be thinking about his ex-girlfriend at least a little bit.

These thoughts were swirling in my head as I came back downstairs. Everyone was there except for Emma. There were open seats next to Peyton and next to Bentley. I glanced in between them, trying to figure out which one to take. There was a camera right next to Bentley, so if I sat next to him I couldn't necessarily do anything. Plus, if I sat next Peyton, I could openly stare at him due to the way the seating was arranged. I chose Peyton.

By the end of the filming, I had forgotten all the reasons why I'd thought doing this thing with Bentley was wrong. Anytime he caught my eye, he somehow used only his eyes to tell me what he would much rather be doing at the moment.

By the time Chris started doing that long "next week" spiel, I still didn't know the standings.

"Find out next week on Stars Unedited!" Chris finished, his ever radiant smile on. When the light went red turned to us. "Dinner in fifteen."

"Okay, well I'm gonna go put my guitar up," Bentley announced, then stood up.

"Uh, me too," I added, and followed his lead. The two of us went up the stairs, and once we were safely out of earshot, Bentley spoke.

"This is riskier now. Everyone is home," he said.

"Well we aren't doing anything right now," I reminded him.

"Actually," he started, then took my wrist. He pulled me into a coat closet, not taking our guitars into consideration, and they banged everywhere.

"Jeez, Bentley slow down, they'll mess up," I told him, but I was smiling. I made him want to rush.

"Who cares," he said, then kissed me.

"You know we only have fifteen minutes, right?" I said.

"Trust me, I can work with it."


Whaaaat? Who saw this coming? Who's angry? Who's happy? Who's just confused? AND WHO'S JUST THINKING ABOUT THE FACT THAT FOR ONCE I UPLOADED WITHIN A MONTH. ACTUALLY WITHIN TWO WEEKS!! I'm very proud of myself. I even have the next chapter almost done! Thank God for snow days. Sorry if the chapter is a little short, but the next chapter will be up soon!

Okay but seriously, this is crazy right? Like Bentley and Avery? Who knew??? Leave comments!! And guys Wattpad put this story as rated R or "Mature" and I want it to change back but they won't let me. I really believe this is PG-13, and now like virtually no new readers can get to this book. It sucks. 

Anyways, thanks so much for reading. Comment, Vote, and Fanimos!

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