Lady Boss Fell in Love (flash fiction)

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"You said you love me, Garu."

"Loved, Lady Boss. Past tense," he corrected.

"You're the best subordinate I have. You can't leave me."

"I'm decided. Just set me free." He walked out of her office. 

Later, Garu received a call... 

Final mission. She ordered him to finish this one. Though in an unusual set-up, rushed, and no clear details about the subject, he accepted because she promised to let him go.


"Target is with a companion. Aim the one in black sweater. Head covered with hood," said the static voice coming from his earpiece. His Lady Boss.

In no time Garu saw the exact description -- down the street, walking with a guy holding the subject tight... like a captive? Why would he care?

"Spotted," he informed Lady Boss. 

Garu set his eye through the scope. 

One bullet -- bolted straight to its target from the roof top where Garu was. 

Head shot. His style. 

The victim collapsed down the ground, blood flowing on the busy sidewalk. 

"Done," he whispered.

Garu looked up, seeing a meteor falling from the night sky. 

Falling star. That is.

In his mind, only foolish people believed in superstitions -- and so Garu never into wishing nor praying. He needed none of it. Because a dream did not rely in such. It was to be created by a dreamer's own will. Decision. Choice. 

So he decided that tonight would be the last, and tomorrow, the beginning of his dream:

To be with his love. In a new life. Where he would be the god of his fate. 

He kept his sniper's rifle inside the violin case and went down the building like nothing bloody had happened. 

No pinching conscience, the usual. 

A getaway car stopped in front of the exit for him.

"Job well done," Lady Boss said as he entered the car. 

While riding, Garu received a call. 

Kendra calling... 

He gasped, feeling his heart thumping as if the sight of his love's name on his phone screen was the only thing that revived his life from frozen death. 

"Hello, my lovely--" 

"Is this Garu?" a man's voice asked from the other end. 

"Hey. Who are you? Where's my girl?"

"Sir, I'm a policeman. Since you're the last name in this phone call history so I called."

Garu's excitement turned into fear. His heart rumbling. "Why, what happened?" His voice cracked. 

"Miss Kendra was shot dead. She was hit from above. Come over to..."

After being informed, Garu's attention shifted to Lady Boss beside him.

"Why?" he growled, eyes filled with painful tears. "Why her!" He grabbed Lady Boss by her coat collar -- ready to strangle her. 

"'Coz I want you to feel the pain I'll go through."

One muffled thud. A bullet in his chest.

The last thing Garu saw was Lady Boss's handgun in front of his heart. Then her voice:

"I'm not your enemy, my Garu. I loved you. As promised, I'm setting you free. Go to hell."

TITLE: Lady Boss Fell in Love
AUTHOR: Rainydusk
SUB-GENRE: Action, Mystery
CUES: Death, Enemy
WORD COUNT: 496-500
All Rights Reserved 2024
Special thanks to ShortStory for adding "Lady Boss Fell in Love" on your Reading List! (9May2024)

Raw images source: created by / Kjpargeter / Jannoon028

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