Chapter One: The Twinleaf Trio

Start from the beginning

"Professor you are back! Welcome back!"

Another male's voice echoed before the source of the voice came into view. From the direction he was coming from, both Professor and his accomplice deduced that he was coming from the laboratory. 

The newcomer seemed to be in his fifteens. He had grayish-black hair and had light gray eyes. His clothing seemed suited to the weather of Sinnoh which included dark, red full-sleeved shirt under a dark blue jacket along with a white scarf wrapped around his neck. He had a pair of denim, black pants with dark gray shoes. A notable feature of his was the red beret with a white pokéball marked on it over his head.

"Why hello there Lucas." Professor greeted with his usual stoic face to which people around him seemed used to. "How have you been? Everything alright?"

"I am all good Professor and have finally got my trainer's license certified." Lucas replied after catching his breath. "Also everything regarding your research is fine here. I took care of it. Of course the other people here helped me."

'Hang on a sec? Is he Professor Rowan teen version?' The male beside Professor did the task of listening and got slight bit curious at the last part.

"Good good. I am glad to hear that everything has been fine in my absence." Professor Rowan's expressions changed from his usual stoic one. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"How was Kanto?" Lucas asked, curiosity visible in his facial expression. 

"It was a nice experience going back there after so many years and meeting up with Professor Oak again. It certainly wasn't a waste at all." Professor Rowan informed before looking over at the male who had been accompanying him on his return trip. "I even met someone with potential there which would have gone to waste if he stayed there."

"Waste? How so?" Lucas looked over at the silver eyed male who sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. 

"Well it's just some issue back at my home." The Kanto native replied while trying not to spill much about it. Lucas took the hint and didn't ponder further. Rather he shifted the topic.

"Well I am Lucas Diamond." Lucas replied extending his right hand forward for a handshake. "Assistant of Professor Rowan."

"Xavier Shard." Xavier gladly returned the handshake, internally sighing at the previous topic being dropped.

"Let's continue our other chitchat in the lab, shall we boys?"


"Mom! I am off!" Yelling this someone bolted off from their house at top speed and banged the door close behind them. The mother of the individual muttered some inaudible curses at the apparent hyperactiveness. 

The individual who bolted out of the house was in his teens with yellow hair and orange eyes. He wore a jacket with orange and white stripes over a green t-shirt, gray pants, brown boots and on his shoulder hung a brown shoulder bag. 

"This is what I call a great start." The blonde boy took a deep breath of fresh air after exiting his house. "Now to go annoy Dawn out of her bed."

The town where the super energetic boy resided in was called Twinleaf Town which was just walking distance away from Sandgem Town. The town lied in the southwestern part of Sinnoh Region and also seemed to be enveloped in the aroma of fresh new leaves and hence the name Twinleaf was given to it. 

Johanna, a Top Coordinator in the realm of contest also had resided in this town after retiring from her Contest career. Though she owns a big house and even a battlefield in the backyard of her house where she at times polishes her rusted skills or give pointers to greenhorn Pokémon Coordinators. 

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