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1 month later (so Lucy's been in London for 6 weeks)

Lucy's POV:

I just uploaded a youtube video with Tobi, we did a football challenge for his and I let him do my makeup for my channel.

Text to Tobi:
Lucy: that's my video uploaded x
Tobez: mine too. i'll send out a tweet x
Lucy: okay me too

I sent out a tweet linking to the new video. Likes and comments came flying in on the tweet, mostly about how excited that Tobi and I done a vid together.

I haven't seen Cal in a few days, we went on some more dates and spent nights here and at his flat. Simon and I are much better than a month ago and Talia, Freya and I are a fab trio, we go shopping and make videos ALL the time.

Today I have a meeting with a brand that want me to collaborate with them. I'm super nervous but so excited.

Simon walked into my room "You ready to go, I'll drop you off"

"Yeah, let's go" I got up and we went out to his car.

We spoke about the brand and what this meeting would be like.

—-time skip after the meeting —-

Tobi picked me up after the meeting and we drove back singing our hearts out to one direction all the way back home.

It's crazy that London is pretty much my home now and living with these boys in this amazing house is my life. I've only been here 6 weeks and it's been the best 6 weeks of my life.

I've never been so close to Simon, I wouldn't have a bestfriend like Tobi and I'd have never met Cal. I'm so lucky to call this my life.


We arrived back to the flat and all the boys were watching Deadpool in the cinema room so I got into comfy clothes and joined them with Tobi.

The movie ended and everyone went back to their rooms. I have barely heard from Cal today which is weird considering he texts me all the time, all I got was a good morning text today.

Text to Cal<3:
Lucy: Hi Airey, r you good? xx
Cal<3: hi little one, sorry i've been super busy today filming stuff with Lux and Harry, how was the brand meeting? xx
Lucy: ohh what did you film? it was good thank you xx
Cal<3: a lot of gaming videos and challenges, I'm exhausted. Can I come over? xx
Lucy: yeah ofcourse xx
Cal<3: I'll be half an hour angel xx

Cal turned up with some mcdonald's for us and we watched some netflix like always. We caught up on our days

"Can I take you somewhere tomorrow?" he has a massive grin on his face. "What're you up to freezy but yes" I laughed cuddling into him.

"It's a secret, dress nice though because it's fancy" he kissed my forehead and we ended up falling asleep.

—-Time Skip to Morning—-

I woke up super early at 9am and showered and got ready before Cal woke up. I put on some shorts and one of Simon's t-shirts that I stole a while back and joined Cal back on the bed.

"Morning Lou" he smiled staring up at me. "Morning Airey, where are we going today?" still wanting to know, I hate secrets.

"I can't tell you that yet but we will leave at 2pm. I'm gonna head back to my flat to get ready but I'll be here to pick you up" He stood up.

"Okay, see you soon" I smiled giving him a hug.

About 30 minutes later I headed downstairs to get something to eat, Simon, Tobi and Ethan were all sitting having breakfast too.

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