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~this chapter has sh and talks about su!c!de but I will put a * before the parts start and when the parts end~
It was finally Friday the last day before a weekend free of pepper and her friends. Clay and I haven't talked that much since our argument, I get texts from sapnap and George every once in awhile asking if we made up yet and I tell them the same answer every time which is no we haven't. I got ready for school and waited for clay in the living room. He Came down a few minutes after I did.

"Ready?" I asked

"Mmhm" Clay said walking out the door

I wonder how long he's gonna be like this. We got to school and went our separate ways, I sat down waiting for pepper to walk in and say something to me but she didn't instead her and her friends came in and sat down. After first period I went to my locker to grab my math book, when I opened my locker a piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and it didn't seem like any paper I had so I opened it, it was a letter to me.

*goodmorning loser, I'm surprised you've made it this long without killing yourself. I'm also surprised you haven't gotten Clay to believe you yet. The only reason I'm writing this is because I told clay that I wouldn't talk to you until you can prove that I did all those things you said I did. But I just had to come out and say that you are nobody got it? The world would be so much better without you, following Clay everywhere, being with him all the time when you get a chance, can't you tell he doesn't even want you around? Or are you that dumb? Just go back to cutting yourself and stay out of my way okay?*

I already knew this was pepper. So that explains why she didn't talk to me. I slammed my locker and went to find Clay maybe now he'll believe me. I walked to the other side of the school to see clay talking to Pepper. I tapped him on the shoulder and waited.

"What?" Clay asked Turning around

"can I speak to you, Alone?"  I said looking a pepper

"Yeah fine I guess" he said walking with me over to his locker

"Here" I said handing him the piece of paper

"Believe me or don't I don't care anymore just know that this is what you're little little girlfriend is doing"

Clay stood there reading the paper with a look of confusion.

"there's no way she wrote that" he said handing it back to me

"Clay I can't tell if you are just way to blonde or to mesmerized by her but I'm telling you she did."

"Y/n she would never do that, besides you don't have any proof for all I know you could've wrote that" he said looking at me

"You really think I would write something like that to myself?! Clay honestly what the actual fuck is wrong with you? I might not be the best person in the world but you of all people should know that I wouldn't do something like this." I said as I walked away.

"Y/n!" Clay shouted at me but I didn't care nothing mattered anymore. I didn't want to stay there so I walked back to clays house. How could he believe her over me? He really did hate me didn't he. I got back to his house and went to my room, his mom wasn't home yet nobody was. I sat on my bed and cried, I don't know why because pepper has said stuff like this to me before and it never bothered me. Maybe it was just that nobody believed me. My phone dinged repeatedly.
Where are you?
Did you go home?
I'm on my way to the house.
Please answer I'm sorry.
*I didn't care anymore I didn't answer. I went to my bag and got out my pencil sharpener and broke it. I pushed my jacked sleeve up and sat down on the floor crying. I didn't think I just did it, I did it until I felt better. I stopped when I heard someone running up the stairs, I quickly pulled my sleeve down and hid the razor blade.*

"Y/N?" Clay said walking in my room

"What do you want shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" I asked wiping my face with my hoodie

"Y/n I'm sorry okay? I should've believed you."

"It's fine" I said getting up

"no it isn't fine, I don't know why I believed her." He said sitting down on my bed

"Everyone believes the popular pretty girls Clay that's nothing new." I says sitting down

"can I ask you something?" He said looking at me with a concerned face

"Yeah I guess"

* "What did pepper mean when she said just go back to cutting yourself?"  He asked

I didn't answer I just sat there with my arms in my lap.

"You don't have to tell me I just wanted to know."

"I never had to go back I've been doing it." I said softly

"Is that why you pulled your sleeve down when I walked in"

I didn't answer again.*

He didn't say anything after that it was just silent.

After a minute or two he wrapped his arms around me and put his head on top of mine.

"I'll tell my mom that you got sick and we had to come home early okay?" Clay said

Sorry this chapter is emotional but the next one is gonna be fun and happy.

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