DM: Hades.Lockey

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par.kerpetey: Favorite senior????

Hades.Lockey: How are you doing favorite freshman?

par.kerpetey: I'm good.

Hades.Lockey: You never use punctuation properly what's bothering you?

par.kerpetey: Umm I just feel incomplete. Like I have all my soulmates with me but umm at the same time I'm not feeling like we're all here.

Hades.Lockey: Well made you should try and find your missing piece.

par.kerpetey: I don't think I'll ever find them.

Hades.Lockey: Hey you have to have a little hope if you're feeling like this talk to your soulmates

par.kerpetey: I don't know if that's smart. I mean they could then think I don't want them anymore.

Hades.Lockey: Or they feel the exact same way.

par.kerpetey: Or they hate me.

Hades.Lockey: Or they want to find your missing piece.

par.kerpetey: I can't bother them with my problems.

Hades.Lockey: Maybe you should chose the one soulmate you think won't get upset with you and tell them what you're feeling?

par.kerpetey: Enough about me. How are you doing? Find your soulmates yet?

Hades.Lockey: Nope not yet. Still just Gabe and me. And I don't think I want to.

par.kerpetey: Why? Everyone want their soulmates.

Hades.Lockey: Because they probably don't want me

par.kerpetey: **I want you** Unsent
par.kerpetey: You never know

Hades.Lockey: Yeah but if they already have something going I don't want to ruin that

par.kerpetey: I'll talk to you later.

Hades.Lockey: Yeah you better not leave me again for a year.

I Lied I'm Dying Inside (Avengers Soulmate/Social Media AU)Where stories live. Discover now