Chapter Eleven

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It's been a week since Michael was seen by you, it's been just you laying in bed the whole week. Laying in your own puddle of worry and sorrow. Loomis suggested staying home since work was all about finding Michael and obviously he knew you weren't in the best mental state. You hated the situation you were in, you wanted to make Michael leave but you were too nice to do that. Even if he was a serial killer, something in you told you to keep him close. Remembering that this man can kill you in seconds makes a chill run up your spine but at the same time, you never think of that when you talk to him.

Were you missing Michael?

You shook your head disagreeing with your thoughts, he's cold-blooded murder and your only use is to provide shelter, or else your life is gone. You silently cried in your bed worrying about almost everything, Michael knew you were in a horrible mental state. He comes around sometimes to check up on you but he always sees you In the same mood. As much as he wanted to go see what's up, he wasn't the best at comforting someone, and most likely he would make it more critical. Your hair was slightly puffy from laying on it, you were wearing a large shirt with just panties because Michael wasn't here of course. You were wrapped up in a sushi roll with your soft blanket, small sniffles came from you again. You suddenly heard a knock at your door, you whimper and cuddle more into your blankets. Then your door slowly creaked open, you knew it was Michael but you were still upset... 

You felt heavy footsteps coming right up to your bed, you sniffled trying to suck up your tears- you then saw a large Michaels's large hand lift up the blanket from your face. He saw how puffy your eyes were, your runny nose, and your reddened cheeks. You lightly smack his hand away and tried covering your face but he prevented you from doing so. You sit up and sighed rubbing the tears from your cheeks. 

Out of the blue, Michael gently puts a hair strand behind your ear for he can get a better look at you. Michael took out the journal and a steamy hot mug. Your eyes widen seeing his kind gesture, you carefully took it and looked right at the cup seeing that it was hot cocoa. You softly smiled and looked back at him, he held the journal in front of you for you can read.

"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to get angry, I have a hard time trusting people =)" 

You tilt your head seeing the wonky smiley face Michael wrote, you take a sip out of your hot cocoa and sighed.

"I didn't mean to snap at you as well, I just have been overwhelmed by everything the stuff that's going on... I'm just a girl Michael... Like Loomis said I'm nothing. But all of this at once is practically driving me insane." You let out a shaky sigh, he began writing in the journal which made you slightly smile seeing how gentle he was with the pencil as he wrote.

"Thank You. For covering for me It means a lot to me."

Your cheeks redden a bit as Michael sat right by you, he then took his hand away from the journal and towards you. You flinched but you calmed yourself down, he was about to walk away until you grabbed his sleeve. He shoots a glare at you and you remembered not to touch him you let go quickly. You look up at him and gave a nervous smile,

"Can.. you stay- with me? maybe we can do something??.." you said quietly to the tall man, he was taken back by your request since he mainly thought you were still deathly afraid of him.

He nods and he sits by your bed in an awkward way. His eyes wandered around your room, seeing pictures of you and your friends, your family, pets, and other things you seemed to find interest in. He then saw a picture of you graduating, he tilted his head and looked at you with a curious expression. He pointed at the picture making you raise a brow, you made a huh look until he began writing.

"Why did you decide to become a nurse for smith grove?..." 

You sigh softly and sit up with a frown upon your face- you chuckle quietly and took another sip of your warm drink. You looked lost in thought before choosing what to speak along with.

"People always marked the mentally ill as some sort of freak... social reject or just people who seem out of their mind. I originally wanted to be a Psychiatrist but Loomis told me I wasn't fit or good enough for it. He wasn't wrong either, I tend to uhm... be too nice as you can see." you spoke with a low tone out of embarrassment. Michael nodded agreeing to what you said, he felt more curious about you every minute wondering if he could know more about you. 

Michael felt knew in the end he would have to kill her if he needed to skip town, he was a serial killer after all, and even if you are providing shelter for him. It is only for a while, he doesn't think it's necessary to kill you right now but later on, he was still wondering if he still had that rage in his head towards you. He felt a bit on edge about what you told him, Loomis was a terrible man and was extremely pushy. Him telling you that you cant become a Psychiatrist was overall stupid. He hesitated for a moment to write but he soon figured out what to write.

"Loomis was wrong, if you were my Psychiatrist there would be a slight chance that I could've turned to the right path. He only pushed me more into the depth of rage" 

You frowned seeing what he wrote, your heart shattered seeing how you could've helped him if it wasn't for Loomis.

"I believe that you would make a decent Psychiatrist,"

Your cheeks redden slightly at his statement but you giggle it off, you take another sip of your drink and felt yourself feel a bit more appreciated.

"Your quite kind for a serial Killer, Michael." you cheerfully said, he shrugged and shook his head disagreeing.

"Im not, I'm just being honest."

"Mhm sure... but in my opinion, I think there's still a heart in there. It's just too scared to come out." you poke at his chest where his heart was trying to prove your point, Michael felt his stomach become queezy. He wrote in a frustrated manner making you frown a bit seeing how stubborn he can get.

"How do you know that?" 

"Hmm... I see the way your expression changes when you make your masks, you made me hot cocoa and apologized, you haven't killed me yet which I'm surprised at but besides that. I may not know you so well Michael, but I believe your heart is still there.  Despite how empty and well numb you look, sometimes I can tell what your expression means even if it's just blank!" You giggle and smiled cheerfully at him.

Michael gave a concerned look... why were you so nice!? he can't even look you in the eyes without feeling complete guilt- he doesn't want to do this- he doesn't want to hurt you at all you have done so much you have done nothing wrong enough for him to hate you...

He felt something latch onto him catching him by surprise, he gave a low grunt in confusion. He looked down to see your small figure hugging him. He felt himself get less tense and soon melt into your hug. Why was he feeling so... different. He hasn't felt like this since he was a kid... you were changing him and he isn't even realizing it.

Michael looked at you with a soft expression on his face, your cheeks flush with red- his body was beginning to move on its own... his hands left your body and went to his mask... he then slowly takes off his mask....revealing himself.

                                                       Therefore,You and me

Therefore,You and Me.(Michael Myers x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now