Honesty is the Best Policy Ch.15

Start from the beginning

You pinch the bridge of your nose, "Sorry, Midoriya, I'll walk home with you tomorrow. We've got shopping to do."

"O-oh, don't worry, L/n-San! I'll s-see you tomorrow!"

You all watch as Midoriya runs off...

"Why are you companions with such a small boy again?"

"Shut up, Yin."


"Shut up, Sol-" Yin shouts.


You hold the new microwave under your arm and eat your ice cream with the other hand. Sol sniffled and took a bite of his ice cream while the rest of you ate your ice cream calmly.

"Hey, do you guys smell something?" You ask them, pausing on eating the vanilla soft serve.

You all sniff the air and quickly pinch your noses,

"What the fuck is that smell?!" Yin shouted with a higher-pitched voice.

"It's fire," Yang added, somehow still sounding as elegant as ever.

"Ugh, let's go home..." You say, and you all speed walk home, still pinching your noses.

The smell became too unbearable, and you groan before glaring over to the source—a rather large crowd of people in front of an alleyway. Raising your hand to the sky, you collect the water that hovered over the fire and dumped it over the alleyway.

The crowd and heros pause in shock before turning over to you- who was with four abnormally tall and handsome men.

"Ahh, that's better. Let's go home in hungry." You say, taking a deep breath.

The dragons also take in a sigh of relief,


"No sushi!"


"Guys, we can't eat that every day you know..." You say to Tsunami and Sol.


You quickly tune your head over to the alleyway and see Midoriya soot-covered. Running over to him, you take a look at the commotion and see a slime monster contained with branches.

As well as Bakugo taking a breather on the ground.

You paid Bakugo no mind and was about to ask Midoriya if he was okay. But you were swarmed by reporters and heroes, holding Midoriya close; you shield him from all of the pushy people that surrounded you.

"That you young lady! Thanks to you, I was able to contain the evil-doer!" A man who had wood all over his body said.

"Yeah, we couldn't get through because of the fire- but since you put it out, we were able to save the kid over there!" Some other man who had the body of a gorilla said while motioning over to Bakugo.

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