Chapter 11

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Bakugou POV

I saw Ochako pulling Y/N outside but I haven't seen them come back. I look back over to Monoma's table to see if Y/N came back but she wasn't there. I stand up start walking over to ask what happened to her.

"Woah, Bakubro, were are you going?" 

"Quiet Shitty hair" I keep walking over to that Monoma bastard. I slam my hands down on the table "Where the hell is Y/N?!" 

"Tch, who do think you are Mr.Class 1-A?"


"She went to the bathroom earlier but then I saw someone from her class drag her outside. I haven't seen her since, sorry I wasn't much help," the girl  with orange hair said. I scoff and walk back to my table.

"Kiri, get up we're looking for Y/N."

"Why, is she missing?"

"Yeah, her and pink cheeks, now let's go," I start walking outside Kiri close behind me. We walk around the entire school but find nothing. 


I woke up in weird bar my hands and legs tied to the chair I was sitting in. I start looking around and saw and man with black hair and purple skin stapled to him, a man with light blue hair and several hands on him, a girl with blonde hair in buns wearing a school girl uniform, and man with a black and gray body suit, a man with a mask and top hat, a purple mist with eyes in a suit, a reptile with purple hair, a woman with brown hair and sun glasses. 

"Ah, you're finally awake," the man with blue hair spoke, he had a fairly raspy voice. I watch as everyone in the room turns their attention to me.

"Where am I and when can I leave, AND WHERE'S URARAKA!?" I wanted answers and now. I was tied up in an unfamiliar place with a bunch of strangers, and to make matters even worse, I had no idea where my best friend was. 

"We don't want anything much, just you to join us," the blue haired man said.

"Why would I join you? I don't even know who you are!"

"Well, my name is Shigiraki," he points to the man with purple stapled skin and black hair, "That's Dabi," he point to the girl with buns, "That girl over there is Toga," he points to the man in the body suit, "Than one over there is Twice," he points to the girl in sunglasses, "She's Magne," he points to the one with the mask, "That's Mr.Compress," he points to the weird mist guy, "He's Kurogiri," he points to the lizard, "And that over there is Spinner, and we are the League of Villains," I gasp, "So, will you join us?"

"NO! WHY WOULD I EVER DO THAT!?" I yell at them, they're all a bunch of monsters who seem human. People who commit crimes because they have nothing better to do with their lives. Some of them I feel remorse for because they're mislead traumatized kids, but that doesn't make it okay. I'd never be a villain, no matter if they're a person with nothing left to do with life or a broken child, I'd never join them. 

"Well you're going to be tied up in that chair until you do. We can just let you go because you'd give away our location, and we can't have that happening now could we, it would be game over for us. We could teleport you back but you would tell the heroes about what happened and they'd track us down. Even if you don't tell the heroes what happened it would just have been a waist of you time if we sent you back, so you have to stay," he said as he walked over the bar and ordered a drink from the mist guy.

Bakugou POV

I found Hound Dog and told him about everything. He used her pencil so he could know her scent and started sniffing her out. He followed the trail but stopped in the middle of the field behind the school.

"This is were the scent ends," he said frustrated. I was getting heated, my heart was racing.

"WE NEED TO FIND HER! SHE COULD BE IN DANGER!" I yell, tearing up because of these dumb foreign feelings I have for this extra.

"I'll alert the other pros now, you go to class," Hound Dog began walking back towards the school.


"Fine, you can come along, but only you, your friends gonna have to stay behind," he said as he continued walking back to the school.

"We can talk about the whole 'Y/N and I are soulmates' thing later, but right now I have to go find her, bye Kiri," I walk back to the school with Hound Dog.

*time skip brought to you by Kirishima's crocs*

The line of heroes set out to find Y/N where Hawks, Hound Dog, All Might, Endeavor, Midnight, Mount Lady, and Eraser Head. School had been canceled for my class for the rest of the day because of the disappearance of Y/N and Uraraka. We split into search groups of two; Endeavor and Hawks, Midnight and Hound Dog, All Might and Mount Lady, and Eraser Head and me. 

Suddenly the walkie talkie went off "Hey this is Mount Lady, we have successfully found the student Ochako Uraraka, she has a few cuts,  a little bit of blood loss, and was found unconscious. All Might and I are going to take her to the hospital and then continue looking for the other student. Mount Lady over and out," I clench my fist, hoping we'll find Y/N soon. 

"Hound Dog reporting, I found the girls scent coming from and abandoned bar, requesting back up, we are in Kamino, Yokohama. Please get here fast. Hound Dog over and out," Eraser Head and I immediately start running to Kamino.


I've been tied to this chair for about an hour now. My wrists and ankles hurt and itched where they tied me to the chair. I looked around the room and there was nothing metal I could bend other than Kurogiri's neck piece but I don't want to kill him by bending it. Maybe I won't get out of here. Maybe I'll have to join them. Maybe no one will find me...


1063 words. Finally a longer chapter lol anyways another cliff hanger! I'm so mean I know. I've decided to try and upload every Wednesday and Sunday, but if I'm feeling nice I'll post early. Not important but while writing I listen to Spotify and while I was writing this chapter the Haikyuu! into AND Dream's speed run music played lol. Anyway, see you all next chapter!!! :D

Uncomfortably Close (Soulmate AU Bakugou x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin