Chapter 9

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Bakugou POV

"Hey Bakubro, you've been acting kinda funny today, you alright?" I look over at where the noise was coming from and see Kirishima.

"Tch, of course I'm fine," I say as my eyes drift back over to her, why was she so mesmerizing, I don't want to keep looking at her but at the same time I just can't look away. What is she doing to me?

3rd Person POV

Y/N keep feeling someone watching her, she looked around and saw Bakugou, their eyes met and he turned away, he was at the other side of the cafeteria but you could swear you saw him blush.


"Hey, Y/N, you okay? Your face just went really red," I snap my head back to see Kendo looking slightly concerned.

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be," I start to giggle nervously.

"Are you feeling ok?"she asked clearly not believing me.

"Yep! Absolutely fantastic!" I exclaim, but that wasn't completely true, I have this weird feeling in my stomach and my face is all warm, but at the same time, it's kinda nice...

Bakugou POV

I lock eyes with her and I quickly turn my head, hoping she didn't notice.

"Woah Bakubro, you good? Your face is all red-"


"Chill Bakubro, it was just a question," Kiri said putting his hands near his head and sweating a little. I felt a little guilty about yelling at him, but what was this girl doing to me? My face isn't red is it? DID SHE FUCKING MAKE ME BLUSH?!

I can't help but look at her again, who was she even talking too? Whoever they were they definitely weren't from our class.

"Bakubro you keep looking over there is so-" he looked over to where my eyes were pointed and saw me staring at Y/N, "Do you have a crush?! I'm gonna tell Mina!" He got up and started running over to Mina's table.

"OF COURSE I DON'T! THEY'RE JUST SOME EXTRA!" I ran over to him before he could get to Mina and dragged him back over to our table.

"Mhm, just some extra that you keep staring at? And I'm guessing they're the one that made you blush," he said. I don't have a crush I was just embarrassed that she saw that my stupid eyes wouldn't stop looking at her...

Unless I do have a crush...

411 words! Sorry for the wait school sucks ;-; my birthday is soon to and not to mention I celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving so I was doing that as well. Thank you all so much for the support. Anyways I'm gonna go cry over L'Manberg for the 4th day in a row.

Uncomfortably Close (Soulmate AU Bakugou x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora