That leaves Dan, Wynton, Lia, Shun and Ajit.

Dan was battling so he wouldn't have had a chance to contact anyone. Because they were standing either side of Emily, Wynton and Shun are seen throughout the course of the battle. So it likely wasn't them. We don't really see Lia but because of her reaction to Dan battling with Drago when there's a chance of him disappearing, it's really likely that she was just watching the battle hoping for the best.

However we can't exactly rule them out as they could have contacted him before they reached the battle arena. (The chances of them having Magnus's contact aren't high but they're not zero due to Magnus teaming up with them at the end of Battle Planet.)

That just leaves Ajit. We don't see him onscreen at all during the battle and as of episode forty-seven part two: Follow Haavik of Armored Alliance, it's known that Magnus and Ajit get along. Due to that I think it'd make the most sense if Ajit was the one who'd contacted Magnus. He had the opportunity to contact him and there's a chance he has contact with him because they get along.

(Proof that they get along? Ajit is actually the only person Magnus has ever been shown to talk casually, calmly and honestly with, without it being an act. Magnus respected Ajit and signaled that he accepted him as a teammate in their battle against Haavik. Ajit had flashbacks to his battle against Magnus when he was deciding whether he chooses to be a thief or a brawler, Ajit joked around a bit with Magnus in episode 47 and he followed him to help him out with following Haavik. They get along)

Okay, I've been talking about episode four for a while now. Let's move on to episode eight, part one: Magnus of the wild.

To summarize the episode, The Awesome Brawlers are discussing the events that'd taken place the day before when Magnus shows up at Studio D, he gives a backstory explaining where he's been then challenges Dan to a battle. Playing dumb and claiming to not believe the AB when they tell him Dan isn't there. Lia and Ajit offer to battle in Dan's place and Magnus much to everyone's surprise accepts their challenge. Magnus reveals Nillious's new form and the battle of Magnus Vs Ajit, Lia and Lightning begins. After attacking once Pincitaur falls asleep leaving just Fennica and Ferascal to battle Nillious. A geocore appears and Magnus uses it to summon a Geogan and defeat Ajit, Lia and Lighting. After Hyenix disappears and Nillious returns, Wynton and Shun take on Magnus. Seconds before he's wiped out, Nillious uses shadow breath to destroy the drome. Magnus and Nillious lose but it's revealed that it was all part of their plan and Magnus had never intended to win. In fact he was planning to lose so he could go to Vestroia and find Dan.

Notice the inconsistency? Once again Magnus knew something he shouldn't have. The Awesome Brawlers never tell him that Dan's gone to Vestroia and the closest they get to saying anything about that is Shun saying "We need to figure out a way to save Dan and Drago." and that's after Magnus has started his act so he must've known beforehand. He'd even started his act before the AB told him Dan wasn't there and that they don't know where he is. And since it's revealed in the end that he was acting so he could purposefully lose and go find Dan in Vestroia. The exact quote being "You got that right. I know Dan grabbed Drago's Bakuball and disappeared along with him. And I'm doing the same thing to find them. Now I'm on my way to Vestroia."

The Awesome Brawlers wouldn't have posted the video online and they couldn't have, at the beginning of the episode Wynton had only just finished editing all the footage together and also according to Wynton, it's only been a day since Dan disappeared into Vestroia so news of Dan being missing couldn't have spread to Magnus through the media.

So someone must've told him.

Since no one other than the AB (and maybe Dan's parents) know what happened, it must've been one of them who told Magnus. Once again I think this could've been Ajit.

Assuming Magnus and Ajit exchanged numbers or some form of contact, it'd make a lot of sense for Ajit who likely has abandonment issues from losing his parents then losing the person who was like a father to him to reach out to someone after his closest friend has gone missing. Dan and Ajit are literally roommates and close friends, Dan was Ajit's first friend, imagine how badly Ajit must've gone through it after Dan disappeared, people leaving him is probably his biggest fear and the person closest to him just disappeared!

Going off on that Ajit would've probably been so filled with anxiety and dread that Dan's gone forever he wouldn't have been able to sleep and normally when he feels like that he'd be able to look over to where Dan is snoring and remember that no matter what has happened in his past he still has Dan and the AB, but if Dan was gone… He'd probably be too nervous to message anyone else in the AB because if Dan's gone who's to say they won't disappear too. So he probably confides in the only person he can trust, Magnus. He'd probably feel safe confiding in Magnus because they both know what it's like to be abandoned and Ajit knows that while Magnus isn't always there, he's a reliable person who's always there when it's needed. (For example, how Magnus appears in dangerous situations like when Dan was under Haavik's control but he doesn't stick around for long after or the more recent time when Magnus appeared to fight the ones who had literally kidnapped his sister).

So Ajit likely confided in Magnus over text and together they came up with the plan for Magnus to pretend to want to battle Dan then lose on purpose and go to Vestroia to find him. Magnus would help Ajit because he respects both him and Dan (As seen in all the times he saved Dan, the time he didn't stop Ajit from stealing because he'd rather battle him and the times he's teamed up with both of them).

Then Magnus and Ajit would act like it wasn't all planned out during the events of episode eight, part one.

Although I've already explained my theory on why I think it would be Ajit, I'll also explain why I don't think Wynton, Shun or Lia would've been the ones to tell Magnus.

Wynton and Shun have each other to talk to. (As seen in part two of episode eight.) They'll talk to each other about how worried they are and comfort each other. While Lia is a lot more likely to keep things to herself or talk to her Bakugan about it than confide her worries to someone she barely knows.

Ajit is the only member of the AB other than Dan who actually knows Magnus, there was one moment at the end of Battle Planet when Wynton seemed to be seeing Magnus for who he really is but that was the only time, while Dan has risked his life for and has had his life in the hands of Magnus. And as mentioned earlier, Ajit can understand Magnus and his battle against Magnus was one of the reasons he decided to become a Brawler and to quit being a thief. And since Dan was in Vestroia he can't have been the one who told Magnus.

So there we have it. That's my theory, sure it's pretty far fetched and in some places it devolves entirely into headcanon territory there it is. Ajit is the reason Magnus knew what was happening those two times in Geogan Rising. While this is probably, most likely, wrong. At least consider the idea. The two were getting along really well in episode forty-seven of Armored Alliance but since then there's been no mention of their friendship or that they know each other at all. Which just doesn't make sense to me as they made a seriously powerful team in battle and got along so well and there's just been no mention of it since?!? Not to mention how if someone didn't tell Magnus what happened both of these times then how else could he have possibly known about Dan going to Vestroia? The chances of him seeing the livestream are small but there for episode four, but in episode eight? There's really no explanation other than a plothole or Magnus just overhearing the AB's conversation when he went to Studio D to battle Dan.

So yeah that was my theory. I had to rewatch episode four part two, two times and rewatch episode eight part one, three times to help me gather all the evidence to support my theory. Worth it though, those episodes are great and I managed to notice something in episode eight I wouldn't have noticed otherwise and I got this theory from it sndjndjdnsjs

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