Let's Move With The Times

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"Er... please be seated." she motioned towards the leather ottoman in the middle of the room. Vlad sat down with ease and crossing his legs, resumed observing her.

Griffith figured that since she was already committed to the job, she might as well excel in it. Taking out her phone, she mumbled a couple of voice memos as she rifled through her grandfather's clothes.

"Hire a closet organizer."

"Ask Sebastian to arrange for private shopping sessions."

"Look at getting a stylist."

"Who are you speaking to?" a voice whispered in her ear.

Jumping in surprise, Griffith dropped her phone. "You need to stop doing that." she crossly said.

Looking at her in amusement, Vlad went back to his seat.

"Aah, maybe this would work. Let's hope it fits since you're so tall." Griffith said, handing him a pair of jeans and a white button up shirt.

"While you're getting changed, I will go check the other section for shoes and a belt, alright?" she hurriedly said as Vlad started taking off his coat and unbuttoning his inner shirt.

What the fuck, Griffith?! She thought to herself. It's been almost two years since her college boyfriend broke up with her and she hasn't had any male contact since then, not even dates.

Perusing her grandfather's footwear, she decided on a pair of dark brown monk-strap shoes that she rarely saw her grandpa wear.

"Socks...and we will need a belt." she mumbled, rifling through the accessories drawer.

"Hey, um, your Countness. Sorry, Your Grace? Are you decent?" she called over her shoulder, not wanting to catch her new boss in a state of undress.

Laughter rumbled in Vlad's chest. "Countness? Very adorable." he said.

"I was never decent, I'm afraid. But feel free to turn around." he drawled.

"Here. Shoes, socks and a belt." Griffith thrusting the items toward him. "I will go wait for you downstairs. I still need to grab an extra mask for you." she said, and practically ran out of the closet.

" she said, and practically ran out of the closet

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Griffith was on the phone with Sebastian and was already making plans to cancel the summer trip when Vlad came down the stairs.

Holy shit. She thought as she looked up at him. With his rougish good looks and long black hair, Vlad the Impaler actually looks like a rockstar who with a snap of his fingers, will get droves of groupies to throw their underwear at him.

"Hm. Not bad." Griffith said nonchalantly. She dug around the reusable shopping bag she saw in one of the drawers in the foyer which now contains the box her grandfather gave inside. "Here, don't forget to wear this." she handed him a surgical mask. "Remember, there's an epidemic, and it's kind of against the law not to wear masks. I can't exactly tell the police that you're a vampire."

Vlad stared at the item curiously. "How do I?"

"Here, let me." Griffith said, standing on tiptoe, looking up at him with her huge brown eyes. She was able to secure the straps behind his ears and made sure that his nose and mouth are covered. She nodded in satisfaction. Vlad felt his heart, beat faster.

"Ready to go?" she asked as she opened the apartment's main door.

"Grandpa, I'm leaving. Thanks for dinner." she yelled.

As the pair stepped out into the night, a warm summer breeze blew. Vlad could not help but notice she wore a light fragrance that smelled of morning glories - his favourite flower.

The Impaler Wears Tom FordWhere stories live. Discover now