What Now?

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Making her way out through the back door, she walked on the dock of their oceanfront home and sat on the edge. Taking her phone out, she took some photos of the ocean. "What now?" she wrote as she posted it on her Instagram.

The weird conversation with her grandfather weighed heavily on her mind

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The weird conversation with her grandfather weighed heavily on her mind. Fishing around the small Chanel flap bag she had draped over her shoulder, she was able to find her pack of cigarettes and lit up.

Leaning back on her elbows, she mulled over every detail. It surely must have something to do with the Sicriu. But not even her cousins knew what exactly it was.

"You know I don't like that habit of yours, Griffin." an authoritative male voice said behind her.

Griffin yelped and flicked the cigarette into the water.


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She tilted her head back and from an upside-down perspective looked up at Sebastian - her childhood friend who also ended up attending Yale with her.

"Jesus, Sebastian. You could've given me a heart attack." she said, clearly annoyed as she straightened up.

Sebastian was still guffawing, while trying to hold on to the champagne flutes he was carrying. "Here." he said, handing one over to her.

"Seriously, your mom has GOT to stop Queer Eye-ing me." he said, plopping down next to her.

"Who is it this time, sweetie?" Griffith said with a mocking pout, automatically handing her pack of cigarettes over to him.

"Some trust fund baby working on Wall Street." he responded, downing his drink as he plucked a piece from the offered package.

"Sounds boring. Is he hot, though?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Looks like he stepped out of a Fair Isle Sweater catalog. You know we both like our men who have a dangerous edge to them. Not these cookie-cutter types." Sebastian mumbled, rolling his eyes as he lit up and quickly puffed smoke.

Griffith laid her head on Sebastian's shoulder and sighed. "We're still on for the Asia road trip, right?" she asked him.

"Of course. We're leaving Monday next week, Speaking of, the fam and I are driving back to the city tomorrow morning. Would you like to catch up Saturday night?" he asked while scrolling through his phone.

"Yeah, about that - it seems grandfather isn't thrilled about us working odd jobs and had offered to bankroll this trip." Griffith mentioned.

"Fabulous!" Sebastian crowed.

"However, I need to have dinner with him and Grandma this weekend. So, I guess I'll see you at the airport Monday." she said.

"Well, you know how it's like dealing with these Upper East Side blue bloods. When they say have dinner with them, it's an unwritten rule that us grandchildren must go." Sebastian said understandingly.

They heard footsteps approaching them - it was one of the maids "Miss Griffith, your parents are looking for you."

Griffith sighed and stood up with Sebastian to get back on the world they've known all their lives. Not knowing that their world would be shaken in the next few months.

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