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Once again, if one there was one thing that bothered you, it was if people ignored the senecio you were trying yo talk to them about.
Although saying that, you were also at fault for doing the same, so you can't really be that upset about it.

It's been two days since your shared kiss with Suna, and he hasn't said anything about it. Didn't even bring it up or talked about it even after it happened.

It hurt you. You didn't know what was going through his mind and you didn't know how he felt towards you.
At first, you assumed that he liked you back, because he was the one who went for the kiss. But after the fact, he just left you alone, going into the school without a word.
Did he regret he kiss?

You never did tell the twins about the kiss you shared as you didn't even know how to put into words at all.
Instead you just continued on your day like Suna did.

Atsumu told you about the dance with Kumi and you tired your best to be involved with the conversation but, you mind was else where.
He also mentioned that he didn't have any interest in taking any thing farther with her and decided to leave it with a dance.

Osamu said he wasn't that trilled about Kumi and said that it felt off.
Like she went for him the minute she found out that you and Atsumu were over.
He said that it seemed suspicious but didn't go into any farther detail.

You didn't question it as it was just a dance and Kumi was just a girl who scored a dance with the setters for Inarizaki.

It wasn't until that Thursday when you went to school when you really started to think about what Osamu was saying.
By that, you mean with how different she looked when going into the school.

The morning practice was cancelled this morning,so you and other boys decided to go to school a bit later than normal.
When you walked through the halls you heard a voice call for Atsumu, making all three of you turn around to see a completely different get up.
She had dyed her hair and the makeup she wore was different than her usual light makeup.

She was also holding a pack of smokes in her hand.

You looked to Osamu with wide eyes.
"That looks familiar..."

"She looks like you Y/n..Well except she's a bit shorter."

"Uh hi Kumi."Atsumu said to he girl who approached the three of you.

"Good morning Atsumu-kun! How is your morning so far?" Kumi said with a smile.

"'s going okay I guess..Um you changed your hair?"

Her whole look to be exact..
You thought to yourself.

"Woah..." You heard Suna say behind you.
You fought the flush to your cheeks and you made eye contact with him.

"Uh yeah, I wanted a change I guess-"

"To look like Y/n?" Suna said out loud. The three of you were thinking it, even Atsumu, but he was the only one to finally speak up about it.

Kumi flinched at is comment but tried to brush it away.
"No, I just wanted a change..Is that um so bad?"

The four of your stared at her in silence, not knowing what to say next.

"I thought you like girls with H/c hair Atsumu-kun?"

You looked to Atsumu and tried to hold back your laughter.
Is she for real right now? Did she do this because he blew her off after the dance? Because he 'dated' me? And though that I was his type and she wasn't. So she changed to be his type? She's joking right?

Atsumu felt his throat tighten as he didn't know what to say.
"Y-Your hair looks nice Kumi-san."

"Oh please, call me Kumi, I hate formalities."

You were finally at your breaking point. Letting out a small chuckle as you turned away from her.
"I'm gonna head to class now..Um.."And with that you left the four behind.But you also felt a presence next to you.
"Following me Suna?"

"Nope, just also wanted to get to class."

"She's not being serious right? I mean my hair colour, my whole thing with hating formalities..the smokes..I didn't think she smoked.."

"She doesn't..As far as s I know at least. She obviously didn't like Atsumu's rejection to her."

"Did she confess?"

"Yeah, after the dance..Did he not tell you that."

You furrowed your brows as you tried to recall what he had said to you in the past days, but once again, your mind was else where and didn't really pay attention to your best friend.
"Uh I'm sure he did, but..I wasn't listening."

Suna chuckled. "Something on your mind?"

You bit the bottom of your lip. "There's lots of things going through my mind Suna.."

Suna hummed. "Was it about our kiss?"

You stopped in your tracks and started at the floor. Tracing the flooring's patterned with your eyes.
"That's a part of it yes."


You shook your head and laughed. "Ya know? There is so much going on in his world and so many more important things to worry about and yet here I am wondering if the boy who I have feelings for likes me back?" You started to tap your foot. "There's so much more going on in my life and yet our shared kiss is what is number one on my mind right now."

You looked away from Suna's eyes, wanting to just get away form him.
"I hate feelings Suna. Sometimes I wish that they didn't exist...damn..I'm gonna go for a smoke before classes start."

Suna stayed silent as he watched you walk away and out a side door to the outside world.

"Man and when I thought that fan girls couldn't get anymore weird.." Atsumu's voice chimed through Suna's ears. He didn't bother to look at his friend, instead he kept his eyes on the door where you just left.

"Where's Y/n?" Osamu asked, looking to Suna to find him staring off into space. He looked like he was in his own world.

"Did you know that Y/n is hurting?" He finally spoke.

The twins looked to each other.

"What did she say?" Atsumu asked.

"We kissed Monday." Suna said, avoiding the words that Atsumu asked. In fact it seemed like he just speaking out loud rather than having a conversation.

"Wait what!?" Atsumu yelled.

Suna finally broke out of his trace and looked to the setter. "She never told you?"


Suna hummed. "Being as close as you two are. I wonder why she hasn't?"

"To answer your question earlier Suna. Yes she is hurting."

Atsumu looked to his brother who just spoke.
His lowered his eyes, knowing everything that has happened in your life, he couldn't even begin to imagine to how you feel, and to just bring his won silly drama into your life, just made him feel pathetic, yet again.

Everything About You. (SunaXReader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu