Late Night Walks

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Only music could drown out so much before you get fed up with it.

You felt your phone buzz on your table as you started out your bedroom window.

Atsumu: Wanna talk now?

Y/n: I'm assuming you can hear them :/

Atsumu: Loud and clear..

You sighed at your phone.
You knew your parents were being louder than usual tonight with the arguing, even with your music turned up full blast, you could still hear them.
Tonight the topic was about you.

"Why didn't you say I love you back?"

"You didn't say it at all!"

"You know it wasn't her fault!"

"And yet here you are blaming her anyways!!"

"SHE was supposed to be WATCHING him!"

"I know! But she didn't know! She's just a kid."

"No shes not! She's grown up now! You can't baby her anymore! She even smokes for crying out loud!!"

You bit the bottom of your lip a bit too hard as you tasted a hint of blood.
You went back to your phone and texted back Atsumu.

Y/n: Meet me outside rn.

You tried to block out the words of your parents as you opened your bedroom door.
With the yelling they wouldn't even hear you leaving the house.
You grabbed your phone and backpack and walked out the front door.

You were greeted with a soft eyed Atsumu.
He held his hand out to you.

You took it and squeezed it tight, making him pull you into a comfortable hug.
"Wanna talk about it now?"

You felt tears trying to make their way out of your eyes, but you fought them.
"Can we go buy smokes? Mom took mine."

Atsumu nodded and pulled away.
"I figured you'd ask so I brought my wallet-"

"I brought mine. I just need you to go in, I'll pay for them."

Atsumu gave you a worried look.
"I heard them say your name."


"What happened when you got home?"

You took in a deep breath."Smokes first, then we'll talk."

He smiled. "Ya know, It was a good thing Osamu was sleeping, he might of tagged along."

"I was kinda hoping he was the one who texted." You teased.


"I'm just kidding 'Tsumu."

"Come on, lets go before they close." He said grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers.

Yes the two of you were friends, but you always found comfort with Atsumu. So you didn't mind him holding your hand. You found comfort in his touch, but there was no feelings attached to him.
You'd always think to yourself that maybe in a different life, you would feel for Atsumu and become his read girlfriend, but for now, in this life. Friends was all you wanted. And him as well.


"Here." Atsumu smiled as he handed you a pack of cigarettes as well as the money you gave him.

You furrowed your brows. "I should've known you'd do that."

"Hey, I do owe you. Ya know for the whole fake girlfriend thing."

"Yeah yeah."

"How about we take a walk. We can go to our favourite place?"

"Sure." You said while unwrapping the smokes and shoving the garbage into your jacket pocket.
You felt relief as you lit up the first cigarette in the pack.

"I know I always tease you about smoking, but-"

"I'll quit..One day..Just right now isn't the right time. And hey it's better than drugs or something."

Atsumu hummed. "That's fair.."

"I know it's bad for me..just let me have it for a bit longer."

"Okay Y/n."

The walk to the lake was short from the convenience store.
You smiled to yourself as you looked at the moon's reflection in the water.
The sound of the waves slashing against rocks had a comfortable feeling.

"So I have to ask again. Suna."

"Ah Suna,..He's cool."

"You like him?"

You smirked. "I just met the guy.For now no."

"For now?"

You shrugged. "He's cute. Maybe with time I might have to break this little agreement of ours." Your eyes drifted back to the water."Although I thinks it's highly unlikely."

"What do you say that?"

You tapped your fingers against your knee that was brought up to your chest as you sat on rock with Atsumu.
"You know my record with guys..Usually rejection is hope it goes."

"Those guys were stupid to reject you."

You smiled. "Can we stop talking about feeing as shit. It's making me sick to my stomach."

Atsumu rolled his eyes. "You coming to practice tomorrow after school?"

"Do I have a choice?"



Atsumu hummed. "Will you come?"

"I don't have anything better to do anyways..besides it just delays going home anyway so."

"About them.."

You shook your head. "Its stupid..They always talk about letting it go, when they can't even do it..Hypercritical if you ask me."
You pulled out another smoke, but hesitated. You could feel your body start to shake. "They say to get over it but here they are pushing their only child left away...And they don't even care."

Atsumu watched as you lit your smoke with a shaky hand. He sighed and looked off into the water.
"It wasn't your fault you know."

"I know..Bt sometimes the bull that comes out of their mouths, make it feel like it was."

"He had a con-"

"I don't wanna talk about it 'Tsumu.."

"Okay Y/n." He said as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?"


You smirked. "Don't ever hug me after practice again. You stunk so bad it made my eyes burn."

Atsumu chuckled. "Sorry, but I can't promise that it won't happen again."

You snapped your fingers sarcastically. "Darn, we'll can't blame a girl for trying."

"Hey Y/n?" Atsumu said, ignoring your words.


"If you do catch feelings for Suna, tell me okay? I'll call off this whole fake dating thing right away."

You hummed. "Stop being soft. I don't like it."

Atsumu laughed, deciding to keep quiet and to listen to the water.

You both fell into a comfortable silence as you enjoyed each other's company.

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