Fur-reak Out

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You encounter a pawblem and Donnie tries to help.

(Requested by EclipsedKitsune)


Although you live in one of the quieter boroughs, you find the complete silence unnerving as you took your evening stroll. The only thing keeping you calm was the sound of Donnie's voice.

"You know you could walk during the day like a normal person?" Donnie comments.

"I can't help being a creature of the night," you retort, one hand twirling your earphone cord. "With no one around I don't feel as self-conscious."

"Ah, yes, because what more does a lady walking alone at night have to worry about."

You could practically hear him rolling his eyes on the other end of the call. "I'm fine. If I ever get into trouble I can always call you."

"Then why are you calling me now?"

"I just wanted to hear your voice, is that so hard to believe?"

There's a long pause. So long that you nearly forgot he was there.

In the near distance, a black cat with golden eyes stands in someone's driveway. You crouch down to the sidewalk and try to coax the cat.

Donnie clears his throat. "You know... if you need someone to accompany you next time, you can just ask m—"


"...what are you doing?"

"Here, kitty-kitty."

"Are you—Do not, I repeat, do NOT touch the cat!"

"But it's so cute."

"Who knows what it could be carrying! Just head home, alright?"

You lure the cat until it's close enough for you to pet it. "Don't see any fleas," you observe, swatting away a mosquito.

"Are you petting it?"


He grumbles to himself.

"Didn't know you hated cats so much."

"It's getting late. You shouldn't be petting strays at midnight," he diverts.

"I didn't know the bad boy cared so much about me," you tease.

Something bites your neck and you smack it instinctually. You remove your hand and discover an eerie yellow-green substance dripping from your hand. A seering pain radiates from your neck and you wince through gritted teeth. The pain spreads until it's enveloping your entire body, burning you from inside out.

"AHH!" you cry out in pain, drowning out Donnie's voice.

The cat hisses in terror and flees into a bush. You fall onto your hands and knees. You sense your face contorting and shifting, like it was being reshaped anew. Your vision starts to blur from the throbbing ache coursing your veins.

"Hello? HELLO?!"

Donnie's voice pierces your ears. You tear out your earphones to stop the ringing. Your hearing suddenly too sensitive.

"What's going on out there?"

You locate the source of the voice to a neighboring house. Their patio lights switch on, blinding you. You lift your arm up to shield your eyes. At that moment the hairs on your arms grows harrier, or rather, furrier. You witness in real-time as your fingers swell into thick, rounded stubs. Your fingernails sharpen into claws.

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