'I can't send her a letter if I treated her awful right before she left '

I went to go lay on my bed again remembering something y/n told me when I took her back to the hospital before I kissed her on the head and before we even entered the hospital

'the stars they seem so close but are yet so far, sometimes things in life feel like a star like they are so close but so far at the same time ' she looked at the road below us as we walked

'where did this come from all of the sudden? ' I nudge her on her side  and she looks at me with a small smile

'like there's this special person, they feel so close but every time something  always goes wrong and then they just go further away then they were already '

y/n feels so close right now but so far out of reach, I imagine I am in a black room and I see y/n walk in front of me, and every time when things go good, I open my stupid mouth and everything goes wrong

y/n pov:

the day after I left I made a small camp in the woods, I took out a paper and started writing to Boruto what has happened  so far, although nothing happened, as I finish I stuff the letter in my back-pack

'I can't write to Boruto after what happened at the Academy', I lay back and look at the night sky, as I look there was a shooting star, closing my eyes I make a wish

'I wish I can find out what is wrong with me, everytime I am around Boruto I always say something stupid, I wish I can  figure out these feeling I feel'

I open my eyes and sat up eating something before getting cozy and then called it a night, since I was tired of all the traveling I did yesterday, I woke up quite late packing up everything I then started my traveling again, it was just past noon when I felt a few familiar presences nearby, I quickened my pace and see Naruto, Cho-Cho, Sarada, Sakura, and this other guy

''Naruto what are you doing here'' I walked closer, it looked like they just fought, I look over at Sakura and I see her healing herself, or she healed herself but is still a bit weak

''ooh hey y/n I didn't think we would run into you'' he laughed as he scratched the back of his head ''it's a long story actually''

I walked closer to Sakura and took out a kunai, the other guy then got in a fighting stance and Naruto looked at me and told the guy to stand down, his name is Sasuke from what I heard he was hesitant but did what Naruto told him, I stopped in front on Sakura and cut open my hand with the kunai

''I see you healed yourself but not completely, and you are low on stamina'' I put my thumb on the blood, and then put it on her arms where I saw some scratch marks, I put my thumb on her shoulder pulling it down to her hand, a line of  blood following, I then put my finger in the blood again, and did the same to the other, healing some wounds they had and the blood gave them some more chakra as well

I learned that the blood can not just only heal but give chakra as well, Sasuke was staring at me the whole time, and I mean I get why you don't get to see someone heal someone with their blood every day

''thank you y/n'' I hear Naruto say from behind me, after I finished I turn to look at Naruto

''I hear you and Boruto aren't on good terms right now'' Naruto put his hand on my shoulder, I looked at him and nodded

''yeah some stuff happened''

I then grabbed my back-pack and pulled out a burger,  I stopped at a village, a very small one and they had burgers so I thought I should get Boruto one, but I knew I would have to eat it, but now I don't have to since naruto is here and can take it to him

''Please give this to Boruto tell him it's extra spicy'' I said shyly as Naruto took the burger out of my hand

''of course'' he gave me a thumbs up and a big grin

I then bowed and told them I needed to continue my travels and said goodbye

Boruto pov:

once again I am sitting in my room writing a letter to y/n, but I just throw them in a box, there are about 3 letters now, every time something happens I write it down, it's so weird  though as I was writing I hear a knock on my door, I put down my pen and open it so see my dad standing there

''here'' he put out his hand that had a burger in it ''we ran into y/n and she asked me to give this to you, she said it's extra spicy''

I took the burger out of his hand and thanked him before closing the door and heading back to the letter I was writing, eating the burger

'even after what I said she still gets me a burger, this girl, she always surprises m-' my thought was cut of when I felt my mouth on fire

''she wasn't kidding when she said it was extra spicy'' I put down the burger and look at the letter, writing down that I tried the burger and it was spicy, I think I am writing the letters to comfort myself, I don't know anymore

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