Chapter 20: Purple scarves

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Spencer's POV

I end up spending the night at Lina's after we have undercooked bread and peanut butter for dinner. We're asleep on Lina's bed when her alarm goes off.

"Lina," I groan, shaking her shoulder to wake her up. "We gotta go to work."

"Mmmm... 5 minutesss," mumbles Lina.

"We can't. Come on." I gently peck her cheek.

"Okay fine." Lina yawns, sitting up. Her loose shirt exposes the love bites on her neck I gave her last night.

"We gotta find you something to wear to cover those up." I chuckle.

Lina grins. "I'm gonna see if I own any turtlenecks. What about you?" She gestures to my share of hickeys.

"Uhhh... you got a scarf I can borrow?"

"Sure." She walks to her closet and pulls out some clothes. "Here." She pulls out a long purple scarf and tosses it to me.

I wrap the scarf around my neck. "Thanks."

"Hm. I don't own any turtlenecks, but I actually have a double of that scarf." Lina pulls out another purple scarf and smiles brightly at me. "Looks like we're matching today." A few moments later, we're on our way to work.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, knowing that we didn't really eat dinner last night.

"Kind of." Lina looks out the window. The weather is quite warm today, so her scarf looks out of place with her sleeveless blouse. Soon, we arrive at the office and walk into the bullpen.

Morgan stirs his coffee.  "Good morning, kid." He looks at Lina and I. "What's with the matchy scarves?"

"N-nothing," I stammer.

He narrows his eyes suspiciously at me. "Isn't it kinda hot today to wear one?"

"Ummm...." I look at the ceiling, not knowing what to say.

"And aren't those the same clothes you wore yesterday?"

"I, uh... I-I gotta go." I quickly dash off, glancing at Lina and see her trying not to laugh. I watch as Prentiss walks up to her and whispers something in her ear, making her blush.

Suddenly, someone yanks my scarf from behind and my neck is exposed. I whip around to see Morgan with his eyes wide, staring at my neck.

"Whoo!" he exclaims. "Emily, check Yang!" I watch as Prentiss quickly pulls off Lina's scarf, revealing the marks on her neck as well. Noooooo! I mentally scream. I'm never going to hear the end of it from Morgan.

"Damn, kid," he says, shaking his head. "You guys finally did it, didn't you?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively.

"Nooo! We were just making out!" I yell. The whole office immediately goes quiet, and everyone is staring at me. I look at Lina and see that her face is bright red, and I'm 100% sure that mine is as well.

"Ahem." Hotch clears his throat from the doorway of his office. "We have a case, we'll brief it on the jet. Wheels up in 10." I scowl at Morgan and snatch my scarf back. He smirks and pats me on the shoulder.

I quickly grab my go-bag and walk towards Lina. "I'm sorry, Derek can be a little..." I start, not knowing what to say.

"It's okay, I get it." Lina shrugs. "Friends tease each other." She nudges me in the arm and wraps her own scarf around her neck. Approximately thirty minutes later, the team and I are on the jet, waiting to take off.

Garcia is also here, in the video call on the laptop. "Hey, Reid," she greets cheerfully from the screen.

I crack my neck. "Hi! What's up?"

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