Chapter 7

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I woke a presumably a few hours later.

"Nice sleep?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, you're very comfortable, just thought I'd let you know" I smiled.

"I know" he said rolling his eyes. I playfully punched his stomach.

Don't even ask me how or why it happened but we ended up in a huge kind of play fight. We were both laughing a lot and of course I was loosing, I mean I was against Adam, it wasn't exactly fair considering his height compared to mine.

I was struggling beneath him to try and shove him off but he was having none of it and was just laughing away to himself.

"Adam" I whined.

"Sauli" he whined mimicking me.

"I'd so punch you now if I could" I said.

"Well it's a shame that you can't isn't it" he snickered.

I pouted and tried to get free again.

"You should just stop now, you're seriously not going to get away" he chuckled.

"This is not fair" I said and did one of those fake cries.

"Life is not fair" he said rolling his eyes.

"I hate you sometimes" I said.

"Sure you do" he said letting himself drop down so he was laying fully on me.

I tried to once again push him off and it useless. He lifted himself back up and we continued to muck around. Adam started to get tired after awhile which was giving me a slight advantage and I could tell he really hated that. So what did he do next, he leant down and captured my lips in his own. I'd given up with trying to get him off me now, how surprising.

Adam pulled away chuckling and I poured again.

"I win" he said sitting up on my legs.

"It wasn't a competition"

"It was"

"There was no prize involved so it wasn't" I stated.

"There was, I won and the prize is you and I couldn't be happier" he said.

"Adam can you settle down with the cheese fest, I mean come on"

He frowned down at me before I pulled him down so our faces were real close yet again.

Adam giggled before he softly pressed his lips to mine.

A few hours later I said my overly long goodbye to Adam seen as I wouldn't see him in like forever.

School the next day was horrible, I mean I had my friends to be around but Adam was there so....
Plus the time went by more slowly than normal and I hated that.

"Hey is this seat taken?" A dark haired boy asked.

"Not today" I sighed.

"I'm Jaymi and I'm new here" he smiled.

"And I'm Sauli"

"Cute accent" he giggled.

"Thanks I guess"

Jaymi just kept talking and talking throughout the whole lesson. Normally that would be Adam talking and I loved that but this new kid was just plain annoying. Then he seemed to be in all my lessons which was horrible.

By the eighth day of him following me around like a lap dog I decided to actually engage with what he was saying and it turns out he wasn't too bad. He should be good company for me whilst Adams gone.

We started to hang out an awful lot and got quite close, he was turning out to be a really great friend. The time passed more normally now and before I knew it Adam would be home soon.

On this particular day Jaymi was round at my house and we were doing schoolwork and just talking. To be honest he seemed to be getting a little to close for my liking but I let it be and ignored it. Before I knew it he was squished up against my side.

"You know there's plenty of room in here" I told him.

"I know but you like me being this close, I can tell"

"No in fact I don't" I assured.

"You'll tell me anything"

"Seriously move" I snarled.

He didn't move and I was about to shove him away but someone knocked on my door. My mother poked her head around the door.

"Sauli you have a visitor" she said.

Then Adam walked in smiling. I quickly got up and ran to him before jumping on him. I could hear him take a few steps back from the impact.

"Hey there" Adam chuckled.

"I missed you so so much, you don't even understand" I said moving my head from his shoulder to look at him.

"I missed you more" he laughed to which I rolled my eyes.

"Don't leave for that long again" I said putting a stern face on.

"I'll try not to" he smiled.

Then I crashed my lips to his. Something was different, I don't know what it was but something was different.


I'm so sorry it took so long to update whoops. And I know it's short sorry about that too but hopefully you'll like this part.

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