Chapter 8

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He pulled away smiling at me. I heard a cough from behind me. Adam looked there and frowned.

"I'm still here you know" Jaymi huffed.

"Adam, this is Jaymi, he's fairly new to the area" I said looking back and forth between the two of them.

"I know" Adam said looking like he was going to kill him.

"Hi it's nice to meet you" Jaymi smiled at Adam as he walked over standing too close to me again.

He put his hand out for Adam to shake it but he ignored.

"Can I talk to you for a moment outside?" Adam asked me.

I nodded and Adam dragged me outside.

"What's wrong" I asked frowning at him.

"Be careful with that in there"

"Why, he's really nice" I stated.

"That's what you think, just be careful okay" he said softly. Then he just hugged me tightly.

I frowned to myself, I didn't really know what was that wrong with Jaymi apart from him being too touchy and clingy sometimes. Maybe Adam was just a little jealous or concerned I'd leave him for Jaymi. As if I'd ever do that.

We walked back into my room and Jaymi was sat down and started talking to us as soon as we stepped foot in there. I liked how talkative he was but I like them sort of people in general anyway.

For the first time Adam would not leave my side, not to do anything at all and he kept a close eye on what Jaymi was doing. I swear he hated him for just breathing the same air as us. As the time went by I felt the atmosphere getting gradually more awkward. I strongly dislike these situations.

"I should get going" Jaymi said in the late evening.

"Okay. It was great having you hang out with us" I smiled and stood up pulling him into a tight hug before he left.

Adam watched him walk out like he was a piece of meat or something.

"Seriously, what is your problem with him?" I asked starng at Adam.

"Everything" he said before dragging me by the front of my shirt onto my bed.

He then pulled me close and pressed his lips hard against my own. He soon deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue into my mouth. It really didn't take long for us to start making out.

"I really missed you" he breathed against my lips.

I smiled at him before our short make out session came to a close.

We laid on my bed for a good few hours just talking and cuddling.

"Do you have to leave like that again anytime soon?"

"Yeah sometime soon. I just do not know when yet, sorry" he sighed.

"It's fine, it's just something you have to do, and you know what they say. Absense makes the heart grow fonder"

He chuckled as I was giving him one of the really cute looks, well I hope it was cute.

Like normal Adam had to go home late night. For the last few hours of him being here his mind wasn't there, I don't know where it was but he was thinking hard on something. It always concerned me when people do that. Hopefully I'm just overreacting here but who knows?

Devil and AngelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora